Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Our honest reaction

Really hope these specific locations are few and don’t require you to be there often nor hold anything so valuable that you have to go there for extended periods of time, cause ngl those types of environments in games are rarely fun

It sounds pretty exciting to me. I think I’m going to enjoy seeing what’s in those areas that are just a bit harder to get to than the others.

Most likely rare potion ingredients

Mushroom smoothie? Insanity Roofies strike again.

gotta stock up on these smoothies!!!


At this point im begining to feel like Vetex is trying to see how much time he continue not adding story continuation before the community gets to much off the deep end (Also new ingredients nice)

we went off the deep end before the diving update dropped

Hold on are sunburns gonna be ANOTHER visual effect on our characters, but this time also does damage? First the dirt, then the tan and now this…

AO players spending several minutes removing their tan, sunburns, and dirt only to gain it all back after 1 fight:

Im pretty sure the specific locations are just going to be the scorching dunes for now

pharaohs curse

watch cold magic users be immune to it by using aura anyway

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would be pretty cool

Bruh I thought he was literally flying

Ice and snow users are gonna be fine with the sun

imma be honest me too, never thought about sky skates cuz i woulda thought they would run out lol (so is sky skates not being able to be used for ever just a gameplay reason? or is it just that in lore they are useable a lot longer than in gameplay)

he ran :fly

damn did nimbus sea drop or something