Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

has been hibernating for a month tf

nuh uh go back to sleep for about 5 more months, that’s when vetex will reach the halfway mark of the update.

QnA dropped, check it out.

pale skin colors already got sunburnt lol

should totally also include sandfall because it gets very hot there

It was bound to happen eventually but the new stats have amulets

I’m kinda worried that Loadout gamepass players might make an armor piercing and a resistance build, then switch between them midfight to counter the opponent’s setup.

And to a lesser extent, those without the gamepass can do it with amulets.

i dont think you can swap in combat

I’ve never done it before, but it was real when people were switching to a swimming build for an easy getaway.

Yeah you’re right. I was wrong about the gamepass mid-combat thingy. Still, the amulets switching mid-combat might be a problem

Cannons and boats should be rebalanced or something in nimbus, players can barely damage boats on their own, and boats can barely damage players, and this problem will only get worse as players and boats get stronger.

I think the old boat damage to players should be brought back, but make it so cannons and mortars do reduced damage to targets that are on or driving boats

And make players do like more dmg to boats or something (But not cannonfist >:(

genuinely never touch the stove again, you incinerated the FUCKING TOWN.


Tbh it was funny being able to insta kill people with dragonfire cannons

“epic rap battles of history! deviable vs dragonfire carronades, begin!”
“my name is deviable and i like to metamance- AAAAAAAAAA”

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someone pull up the “never cook again” luffy image

nvm you guys didn’t do it in 3 seconds too slow smhsmh now I’m doing it

where are yall getting these screen shots?

the trello

yeah i found them

Found this on Balance cord