Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Its beautiful…

if you’re able to enter your inventory to find and equip a specific piece of gear in the middle of a fight and still win, you’ve earned it imo

That video is four months old, that’s not modern cannon damage bozo

Balance cord leaked image a week ago, no? :roll_eyes:

Oh and uh…


Finally… i can equip stormcaller and the scimitars at the same time

Is it regarding that idea for warrior 2nd awakening or what?


Pls no (just personal opinion).

Warriors give me flashbacks- Not the players, the atlanteans! But itll be awesome to see the new weapon combos!

What’s the first awakening?

So Ch. 6 will have 15 parts total, wonder how much Ch. 7 will have.

And if any Ch. will break Ch. 3 in having the highest number of parts.

I think it’ll be a bit longer, with 20 parts

LVL 135 IS REAL!?!?

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Is Sameria as big as the unfinished world of magic map?.. If so… Wow, thatll be awesome and WOW… Treasure charts are going to make me sob

vetex did say something like that, and considering he made both, I think it’s safe to say that’s rather accurate

Nah, Ch. 7 has started just now so Ch. 6 wont be getting more than 15.

Unless Vetex walks back on it and adds more for some reason.

Pretty sure it’d be separated into different areas for treasure charts so its easier

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yeah, I was talking about ch7

Cant wait for nimbus, although… Iam not gonna sail to it first, I am gonna grind a bunch of sealed chests in the bronze sea first- Sameria & nimbus will be packed with people, and PvPheads would see us all as fresh meat…

yeah, same
I’m first going to continue the story on my other max level file that I haven’t progressed after the cirrus island part
just so I can experience the story in a bit more intended way