Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

None of the quartermasters we have (Edward and Enizor) are mandatory to continue the storyline.
My personal theory is that this quest is where you get your first mandatory deckhand

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The ambush is Ravenna as the story part after that is the forest of masts which may be the aftermath of the battle between Ulricus and arwald

what if we get someone from the story as a quartermaster that would be awesome

Maybe a pirate

pira tno way jorgund kelader of jaw ooerate??!!?


maybe this is how we’ll get to skyhall lmao

hopefully we get to kill arwald

I feel like this disapproves another capture
The only time we were forced to lose to someone was when we were ambushed by Julian.
Julian uses a curse, so presumably it takes a lot to stop the MC

The name “forest of masts” and the blurred out image makes me think that the pirate hideout is gonna be something like flotsam from Pirate101. Which would be fire if it was



Enizor and Kenton have real story impacts now!!


Holy moly 4 new stat points

How will this affect this year’s fishing season?

pirate hideout

Just thought it’d drop this discovery here

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Mage meta with 254 magic lets go

perhaps Arwald?

May the bandit beating commence!

What I rambed on about in a clan server


what’s the art hub and how can I join it to check the sneak…

it would be pretty funny if the jaw pirates just followed the MC into every sea.