Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vetex sigma moment

Absolutely not lol, dont talk when you dont know. Vet just doing a vet and ignorong the doc

Absolutely not, the issue is agility and speed alone, no matter the power.

He ignores everything that is not highlighted.

Just understand, dont yell on balance-team

They are humans just like you, and they are trying to have a good game for everyone, but a game with overcreeped stats (armor and exotic-gem changes), runners(agility and dodge reflexes) and leg scales that are more common then the coal, is not okay.

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I love spreading misinformation online

World before and after the recent patch notes



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not true
it should’ve turned a little bit more

That’s what I’m saying? Why you replying to me you moron

Oh they had found perfectly good solutions, it’s just vetex being vetex. For example, this was the proposed atk speed change (it was SPECIFICALLY asked to not nerf the effeciency directly) :

  • [S] :chains:(6) ► Adjust the Attack Speed formula
    • ▲ General efficiency: 80% ➔ 100%
    • ▼ Increased diminishing returns
  • [S] :chains:(6) ► Change the efficiencies of the elements that Attack Speed affects
    • NOTE: Speed affinities should maintain their current efficiencies if at all possible.
    • ► Projectile Speed: 100%
    • ▼ Startup: 100% ➔ 60%
    • ▼ Weapon reload times: 100% ➔ 60%
    • ▼ Interval delay (time between hits for multi-hit attacks): 100% ➔ 60%
    • ▲ Endlag: 25% ➔ 30%
Detailed Explanation
  • Currently, Attack Speed investment has exponential behavior on startup, creating the issue of essentially negating the speed penalty of attacks with long startups easily at high investment (particularly from slow Weapons and FStyles).
  • These changes will substantially reduce Attack Speed’s effectiveness on startup in particular at all investments, affecting medium and high investment much more noticeably.

Attack Speed’s main focus will be on its effect on projectile speed (with buffed efficiency toward it) rather than drastically improving frame data, making it easier to balance in comparison to other alt stats.

It was asked to BUFF the effenciecy but lower the exponentionla behavior on frame data, and vetex just ignore it all and slapped a -25% onto it

whats with the balance team glazers in this thread bro let my man vetex do his thing :sob:

vetex doesn’t know how to balance the game, and that’s allright, but in that case he should listen to the people that actually know how to balance it

Totally unnecessary for out of PvP. 2 airdashes was great for travel, how am I gonna grind coppershrooms now?

Oh yeah forgot about that, thats nice

example 5316341 of how pvp ruins the rest of the game

we used to have none, but you can still easily get between the pillars using one regular dash + one reflex and then a bunch of 5 leaps.

Regular dash + Leap + Dodge reflex + Multi leap + Weapon TP (For good measure, if you are a conj)

Imo considering the jankiness of the cone system for me, I would imagine how jank the out-of-combat exception would be

We here at Vetex Inc. would like to inform you that your builds are and never will be safe

Blame the balance team for only basing their changes off of pvp matches

this is wrong, the balancers specifically made a note in bold text reading to not limit them out of combat.