Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Grab slam end-move no longer stuns

I am getting more and more convinced Vetex simply cannot read

wait what’s the point of grabs of you can’t combo with them?

you can still do that
but you’ll have less time to do so
and the other person has more chances to dodge it

(also I got stuck multiple times under the part which spawns while the ko is active, which is so annoying because you can’t break it)

nope, they’ll be able to instantly dodge, beside, you could allready instantly parry after a rushdown, it was just insanely buggy

vetex just ignored the balance doc for sum reason

The reason is that he doesn’t want to read it

just use a smash
it’d probably still clip them unless they dodge backwards


Reminds me of the Knockout mechanic in pre-alpha WoM.


carina is a little bit less annoying to fight yay

The blast clash-hitbox is cool, but I wonder if certain shapes might affect it, if they do it might get too big.

also, how would the beam change work on lightning?
since it uses the weird wiggly beam
or will it just be the same as the rest?

it may just be visual

they can just parry stupid

Item levels all drop as Level 110, upgradeable to 210

It says all the boss items drop as level 110. So we can be pretty confident that Gun Draw: Power Shot will require Weapons Level 220.

don’t call it weird it’s the best looking beam smh

unless you only use fighting styles, there’s still ways to catch the enemy off guard tho
(but also true combos are stupid and bad game design, so it’s a good change)

I fail to see how this makes a mix of the two “waaay to clunky”, it just seems like a minor inconvenience at most, not even one that would screw over pvp.

That’s when Vetex does v1.14.100.01

KO never permitted true combos, only the bugs with it did, and instead of fixing the bugs like it was asked, vetex removed the feature