Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Not a patch note, but it is a release date


March 29ā€™thā€¦

oh, thatā€™s right when itā€™s day one of my easter break.
That means iā€™ll be able to grind the update 24/7 hopefully.

Makes sense to release it somewhere near/on the day of spring break

(itā€™d be funny if vetex gave us another easter event)

ao lore is so big i dont even know what to put my attention on anymore

The eggbus sea is real!!!

I called it !!


oh god, please no more of that arena egg BS (the one that required you to hunt someone.)

that one wasnā€™t too bad
you could just walk up to a low level and ask if you could kill them in exchange for like 500 galleons

i asked that for somebody to do that for them, but i am not going to kill a low level just for a silly egg.
I am not that morally corrupted yet.

Thereā€™s going to be an egg in the dark sea, calling it now

Okay forumers, hereā€™s the plan:

  • Get yo Roblox alts and max all 3 files, get brigs
  • Use all of your leg scales for luck 4/5 potions and while fishing get more leg fishes, which you store in tanks of your brig.
  • Keep the maxed files till the nimbus, take away all the leg fish from tanks and get scales
  • Once egghunt drops, use your alts to get eggs and transfer them to main

+leg scales

I do hope that you can get eggs multiple times, since itā€™d be fun to try to get as many as possible
but that would probably make them worth even less
but that also doesnā€™t really matter since they are still barely worth anything after a year

looking forward to this egg hunt more than grinding out the Hunt for UGCs

I wonder what eggs will appear in the egg hunt this time. Brand new ones? Likely, considering we have new locations. But some will probably return, and hopefully not the shark egg.

wouldnā€™t that be easy now considering we have bleed pots

Egg Of The Stars (get really high, like, agility 5 skyship running out of fuel wind 5 drinkable high, and collect it)

Egg Of The True Dark (Itā€™s in the middle of the epicenter)

Egg Of The Abyss (Itā€™s just lying on the seafloor somewhere)

Dark Sea egg :sob:

oh poof someone already said it.

ermm, imagine itā€™d be kinda funny if the egg were placed inside that one maze structure. Iā€™ve never managed to get to a particular corner within its confines that somehow always contains a chest