Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

close range

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ā€˜im close range now build nowā€™ -mage

3 chars

ā€œI wanted to reject you, convince myself that long range was meta, but that doesnā€™t matter now. Iā€™m gonna surge you. Even if you come back as another fileā€¦ Iā€™ll surge you. Change your vanity, change your build, Iā€™ll surge you againā€


Iā€™m going to make a crystal brawler mage with armour pierce and regen >:3

ultimate art surge with plasma
ā€œDomain Expansion: Plasma Aura!ā€

ā€œUltimate Art:
Imaginary Purple.ā€

man gets blown away

does the damage increase/reduction scale with the total size of the surge or is it just a set number for every tier?

i imagine size scales separately from dmg reduction, scaling with the resistance stat

no the part where surge does more damage if the target is close and does less damage on far targets

probably cause its relative to the size

When the cqc class cannot punish people in cqc

berserker: im rushdown
mage: fuck you


Canā€™t wait for someone to lessen the value of perfect gems with luck potions

yummy, free money.

its random tho so i doubt it

makes opening chests more interesting
(Also I think that you can now get legendary gems without having to trade or max out jewelcrafting, so thatā€™s nice)
also would help with giving newer players more options for buildss

those arenā€™t really worth that much anyways
it just allows newer players to get them more easily without having to farm or trade as much

i wish you could just spend galleons to upgrade jewels, but if your jewelcrafting level is higher than the level you want to upgrade it to, its free

You know.
I know this sounds VERY SPECIFIC, but as random file lover, i love this change.
It finally makes me able to have gems on my random builds, cause my ass is not maxing jewelcrafting just for 20hour file where 8 of them is just Story, 4 is a grind for ship parts and gear

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