Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

could you send the link :pleading_face:

i meant roblox forums not these oops Arcane Odyssey - Nimbus Sea, Part 1 Update Patch Notes - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox , at the bottom under future updates


The fact that horrible is the majority right now worries me

the main reason its horrible is because of the bugs. if it wasnt for them, the update would just be considered alright considering many people have finished the whole update within the first hour or twoā€¦ after 4-5 months of waiting

honestly after getting past the story the bugs stop
but yeah I expected us to have more story than what we got with it

so update kinda meh
on another note these npcs are insane that or Iā€™m missing pulsar

also are savant second magic suppose to have same req as the first

like we knew how many chapters are gonna be and we know of 1 boss, it wasnt rlly too much to expect so if u though that the amount of chapters we got is even gonna be 1/3 as long as nimbus sea, ur the reason u got dissapointed

meanwhile all the bugs destroyed the update, speaking from the update idea then ya, its exactly what to expect, a short continuation, but the bugs, oh the bugs do fuck up the update badly

Perspective from someone who DID NOT GET WIPED

  • Teleport to Nimbus Sea
  • Do ship battle
  • Get stuck in ship (rejoin)
  • Skill issue Maria (I CANNOT SEEEEEEE)
  • Sameria town DOESNT LOAD (Rejoin, sail 4000m AGAIN)

The view of the castle when entering Caitara honestly made up for all that
Except then I overheated during the meeting cutscene which was hella funny

tbh I didnt notice my weapons being gone until the servers restarted. Im not even that mad though tbh

wait wtf now Im mad if you unequip the weapons they disappear forever bruhh


they were wiped in the initial bug but I still had them on so I could still use them. :sob:

Guess Iā€™m obligated to dump my thoughts on this updateā€¦

The new story added here is simply short and sweet. Itā€™s not very long at all-only about 15-30 minutes, but itā€™s still pretty good nonetheless. Also, I noticed that the cutscene animations seem to have been touched up a bit since the Bronze Sea.

As for the new boss, sheā€™s a nice fight, but a bit difficult. I kind of suck at this gameā€™s combat, and Iā€™ll say Itā€™d taken me a while to beat her if there werenā€™t two other players fighting her with me at the same time. I also had trouble seeing where the boss was and targeting her, because of the other players dodging around the place like crazy-this obviously isnā€™t an issue if youā€™re fighting her solo, though.

I also must ask, how on earth do you dodge her water tentacle attack? It seemed undodgable the first time I fought her. Of course, this attack caused me a nice death or two. I read on somewhere here youā€™re supposed to parry it?

Okay, now the building and the islands, which are pretty great, actually. Sameria and the other new islands are mostly well-built. I particularly loved the concept of Drakosā€™ Arch, a wilderness island featuring a massive dragon skeleton that somehow became lodged through the terrain. I also liked Shale Reefā€™s beautiful firefly effect.

Alas, I didnā€™t really get to thoroughly explore the wilderness islands because of Level 200 NPCs creeping around every corner. Thatā€™s just a skill issue on my part, however.

Sameria is pretty huge and detailed, but doesnā€™t really have a lot to do? I remember finding a side quest that was just another fetch quest for finding someoneā€™s wallet, and, like? This is the second sea in the game, boring fetch quests should probably have been phased out by now.

Despite feeling kind of empty, Sameria is still a very nice island. One of the coolest parts of the island, of course, is the Sun Palace, or Sun Castle-whatever itā€™s called.

But, of course, you canā€™t mention this update without mentioning the bugs.

Other than lag, the only one I really encountered myself was not being able to get on my brig after defeating the new boss, but that was fixed after a few rejoins.

Now, itā€™s time for the elephant in the room. The big weapon wipe glitch that has this entire forum knocked up in a tizzy. As a mage, Iā€™m not really affected by it at all, but it is nonetheless quite catastrophic to see countless Sunken Swords and Staffs-weapons that people have expended many hours of their precious time to obtain-erased in an instant.

Vetex said that next time, heā€™ll make sure to shut the main game down when updating it for a few hours, so that something like this will never happen again. I hope that everybody (including myself) will learn a valuable lesson from this fateful day; never jump into a newly-updated game until youā€™re 100% sure thereā€™s no new game-breaking bugs!

In the end, this is a decent update that has been severely bogged down by a horrific glitch.


After getting ass blasted by her tentacles I just leave the ship when she starts that attack now :skull:

you can just stand at the very front of the ship

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i can give u a vindicator if you want

im a mage so i have no need for it lol

I didnā€™t really care about the weapon wipe bug, I only lost a Sabre and Halberd which is easily replaceable, unlike my PTD which I didnā€™t lose. Plus as a Savant, I wouldnā€™t be able to use those weapons anyways for a while

I kept my expectations low regarding story content due to Sameria taking like 3 weeks to build. I find it the best thing about the update but at the same time the major cause of the update having limited content. It was an overall lose lose scenario for Vetex here since either weā€™d have to wait longer for an overdue update or come out like this

Iā€™m still enjoying bits of the update though, got to see JTNā€™s creation and Empress


this update sucked ngl, lost a bunch of my shit and boring story. maria also had the lamest boss fight and also INVINCIBLE FRAMES?!

idk gang this isnt a roblox thing


ive been grinding maria for a bit and have NOT gotten a single thing yet. what bugs me about her bossfight is how much she moves and her stupid invicibility,.,. like id get it if it was for her wierd water tentacle attacks because shes just idle for the entire time but when she uses it randomy, it just drags on the battle a bit longer than it neets to be and it irritates me a bit,ā€¦ but overall its a nice update i guess

better, is it enough? debatable, but still better


you can either cheese the attack or panickedly look at where the tentacles are and then dash away from them