Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

are there actually new parts? I havent seen any

so far i only got bronze siege weapons

Thereā€™s Silver Framing Hulls.

interesting, so we can get fortified now?

Probably? I only saw a screenshot of the thing, but I never saw if it turns the ship into Fortified.

Wont ruinic hull be still better?

Found this

New Ship Parts



ill dump my thoughts here
i loved the simple story
the boss was very easy
even with the fact that i was caught off guard by the second phase I was still able to solo her first try

Caitara is also gorgeous
Masada is very pretty

get three of these and you become unkillable

i actually didnā€™t have any sunken weapons, i thought the bug wiped weapons + armor but it only wiped weapons, i didnā€™t have any sunken weapons so iā€™m chilling

i think my biggest gripe rn is the loading issue that the nimbus sea has, whenever i tried to do a sea structure in nimbus the structure just
didnā€™t load in properly, all that loaded were the nimbus sealed chests

my second biggest gripe is the level of the NPCs, I donā€™t think Vetex should have raised the NPC maximum level until later in Nimbus because itā€™s practically impossible to beat the level 200 npcs for the new sealed chests if youā€™re going the ship sinking route

Me: exploring islands
Random lvl 210 npc:

This is just personalā€¦
You call thisā€¦a warps?

I expected it to be bandages on hands, but notā€¦glovesā€¦

Vetex litteraly took the old model, and assigned few ALREADY EXISTING gloves-variations to fighting styles :sob:

Actual item has new model, while in inventory it looks like old model. (Just equip them and you will see difference).

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Mage, so cant.
Send screenshot :3

I mean a bit better ig, but not the bandages

Btw, there is also oracle amulet exists, which looks pretty hot.

Give it to me