Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Imo as a conjurer and warlock, javelin is not that great anyway

i love sameria and i will do anything to have high rep with them

why would they do that? :sob: i wanna keep javelin its like one of my 3 good magic moves as a warlock

1 pulse javelin on conjurers is decent but smash is just a better option on warlocks tbh

I personally spam Javelin on Plasma Conjurer (when applicable, which is for bosses only)

yea i forgot about warlocks

from what i’ve seen like films and tv shows and from novels too, when someone gets injured badly they can rest for that much time or even for much more time. late reply! i know

First Boss, and it’s drops


Ah crap, a story boss with dual flintlocks

(Intense resurrection noises)

Missed me?

who are you


The only thing that misses you is purgatory.

His cape better be drippy

Thalassi…? Oh, no wonder it sounded familiar, its derived from the greek word of “ocean/sea”. I was researching that stuff for name ideas for my OC once. Interesting weapon name (well, if it is a weapon)

At long last, the sunken cutlass

Get ready for rising tide 3! This time it goes diagonally up and left.

this time it dodge reflexes you backwards down right

No way! The SCP Foundation is the first boss of the Nimbus Sea?!

Iris is gonna be thrown into the containment chamber :skull: