Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You’re warning them of something they already know about

Everyone is yelling for spirit weapons and wardens now, but everyone is going to be screaming and crying if they are op

At least there’ll be something to scream and cry about tho, instead of feeling like you’re missing something since you’re running a build close to but not quite the build you wanna have

Honestly I’d LOVE if we had to like find them through a series of like special, standardized specific charts with clues, with the weapon just lying at the end



I think Morden will give us a spirit weapon that was owned by Tucker.

Just a theory.

My 170w, 150str and 180vit savant is about to destroy everyone Fr

the delay for spirit weapons has been way too long i just wanna have the other half of my class and a warden character


2 vitality is min you can have without damage reduction

And this is how much 160 gives, a lot of hp, but -1/5 of your damage

My headcannon is that we either:

  • Find it in the first chest we open (hard coded into the game)
  • Or Tucker was warden, and morden will give us Tucker’s spirit weapon

Well tbh, remember that Princess body-guard? The only known oracle for now? Her spirit weapon is a belt with blue crystal.
So maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe, spirit weapons are ACCESSORIES.

Pretty sure spirit weapons are’nt weapons at all but artifacts, they are called weapons only cause spirit energy is used like weapons.


I think this too
(I totally didn’t make a post about this a while ago)

spirit weapons might have like a separate accessory slot, since the spirit weapons we’ve seen so far seem to be accessories
also there’s already extra accessory slots for vanity, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to just add those to regular loadouts and turn them into spirit weapon slots

No, you’re looking at the gem on her sash that is likely ENCHANTED to store Spirit Energy, not the Spirit Weapon itself. (Remember, highly skilled Oracles can enchant their items to store Spirit Energy, its in the Vitality Item descriptions)

Her real Spirit Weapon is the bracelet. (The QnA revealed we’ll meet a character that has a bracelet as their Spirit Weapon, which is likely that person)

Also, I wonder why people cant imagine the first Spirit Weapon we’ll get mightve been something that the MC actually owned and not Tucker’s. I mean, MC is hinted to have an important backstory that ties in to the main story. I wouldnt be surprised if they had a Spirit Weapon prior (plus, their Godly ancestor was literally alive till 1 month before the game). Meanwhile, there wasnt much there for Tucker.

I just thought of a thing.
If spirit weapons use weapon slots… how would a weapons/vitality build work??? There are 3 weapon slots total…

I feel like it’d be more special if it was tucker’s spirit weapon and morden gave it to us so we could at least remember what tucker did for us in a physical form, since we’ve lost our memory

But wouldnt have Morden kept it instead? At the very least, I think he wouldve wanted us to move on, not dwell on the past.

I wanted to make comment at how current braceltte could be spirit weapons., but then i saw this.

he would still have his memories of tucker, while the mc has absolutely nothing to remember them of him
maybe morden could give it to us in the hopes that using it/having it close might help with regaining our memory

OMG GUYS, VETEX COPPIED :speaking_head:


Yeah, but Vetex and Tech literally confirms that an upcoming character has a Spirit Weapon as a Bracelet. That guard literally matches that description, seeing how rusted her bracelet is (implying its old, as all Spirit Weapons are)

fighting styles
