Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

he probably felt like starting on them earlier
(and he saw an opportunity to delay working on more rare skills)

But now, Vetex has doomed himself on working on probably 20+ or so skills, 2-3 for each new type of Spirit Weapon. Uhhā€¦

itā€™d probably be more interesting to make a whole new weapon system than making something called whirling cyclone
or blast 3, but now it bounces

thereā€™s no spirit imbued water :pensive:

you can make that tho :frhigh:

spirit irradiated*

would you really care about the difference if you see a giant orb of water imbued with spirit energy approaching you?

Heā€™s saying it wont be like a Sunken Sword that automatically inflicts Soaked because it absorbed all that irradiated water.

Unlessā€¦ what if they can? :eyes:

Also, Mt Olympus is under the sea, that might raise the chances of Sunken Spirit Weapons lmao

Surzaā„¢ after shooting a giant ball of spirit energy and filling the water with it just to make a spirit sunken weapon

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Wurzaā„¢ after shooting off a giant tornado with the largest cutlass the world has ever seen and filling the water with trillions of tiny pieces of metal (weā€™re getting heavy metal poisoning with this one)

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Sturzaā„¢ after punching the water really hard (there is no sea anymore)

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Murzaā„¢ after shooting off a giant blast of all magics he stole combined and polluting all the seas with magic energy

wait, that sounds familiar

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Bro retconned lore to add spirit weapons (No mentions in AA or WOM), just to forget about them, and remeber only in Nimbus sea :skull:

Official Vetex moment.

AA is literally on the other side of the world, so they probably wouldnā€™t even know what spirit weapons are
I believe that there was something planned with spirit energy and stuff in WoM

Was Creation even in the lore before AO?
Not document, but in general.
Cause again. Everyone were calling Lazarus an external curse, but now suddenly its experimental and is more closely related to Creation then Chaos.

I donā€™t think it was really mentioned in AA
but they did have things planned in WoM which mentioned it

tech doing what tech does


Tech mentions Creation back in 2019. It was ranked #2 of the 11 Unknowns. Under Chaos.

Back then, he mentions that the 2nd 11 Unknown created the Universe. Supposedly as an experiment. I would imagine that latter part is scrapped. Its just Creation.

Blame Tech on that one. Only Vetex mentioned it as Experimental, and only Tech called it external. There was uhhā€¦ a mishap of info lol