Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

So does no seawater sailor. But the effects of no seawater and full seawater are different.

wardens going on a i5 dark sea fishing trip, nothing to see here

hey it’s not too late to delete this before someone on the devlopment team sees!

Too scared of this being a Patreon chat image so I’m keeping it away until confirmed

100% new chapter now methinks

Did have an image here but I’m too scared of it being patreon content to let it stay


holy crap this is gonna be REALLY GOOD :fire:

Is this fr or edited?

It’s pretty real methinks

Why Sameria so massive though.

Isn’t Skyhall meant to be the final island we’ll visit?

i like big things

Why does this sound as a challenge for me?

Didn’t you forget I am being called evil? >:)
I am vitality main so shining king is no problem for me, but yall will suffer (:<

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and i wont get the context, oof

mfw when sameria is one of the major story kingdoms

Okay Vetex said stuff about it in reminders 4
Here’s the image I got rid of earlier




Something is off…

Good thing most hybrids will be getting access to leap/airstep, I can’t imagine traversing an island bigger than Ravenna with just sprinting and dashes

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i dont think Jotunheim is in Nimbus?