Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

repurposes a dead war hero’s weapon

just block-

uhhhhh… brace, slipsteam, ram(?)

brace slipstream repair

me when the random member of the grand navy that likes using hammers finds a hammer in some storage room that just happens to be some war heros weapon

there’s definitely gonna be a lot and may take longer than Dark Sea to release. So buckle up, this is gonna be a long ride yall.

i think the main reason why dark sea took so long is that vetex had to deal with moving and some irl stuff, hopefully this moves along faster than before.

either way i can’t wait

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didnt vetex say that he couldnt release the update this year due to a roblox issue? i assume it wont take as long

guys, what loot do you think nimbus sealeds will have? (compared to right now too)

Probably the same stuff as bronze can get, just that the higher level stuff will be available

Most likely ship parts around the iron-gold level, with potentially a few new enchant scrolls added in. (assuming ship parts follow the same progression as tools)


Ship storage. Seems to be created so that you wont lose stuff as Nimbus and Bronze Sea are seperate servers.


Me on my way to sell Redwake cargo to Sameria (I will get mobbed by white eyes at the finish line)

the end of dark sealed theft
(you can just leave the damn sea)


hopefully he doesnt add a lame ass cap or something, i love filling my ship to the brim(g) with crates

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now they will have to waste 10-20 more seconds tracking you (not alot, but its enough time to reach an island)

hol up didn’t someone suggest that idea?

Cloudsteel sounds better (fits the theme too), and I kinda have an idea involving a rare weapon imbued with cloud magic (or a cloud curse for that matter, but then I’d consider making it a lost) called Skysplitter or something. Maybe introduce the concept of a unique ult for these weapons at least (not just a unique 1st skill) which can weather events or something.


That name for the most part was a joke, though I have been rather fond of the name skysteel for a potential nimbus-sea material.

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Nimbus Alloy gg
