Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

me when i trade some of the most valuable items in the game for a wooden arcsphere just to get it removed: :neutral_face:

And thatā€™s sad but itā€™s also kinda on you for trading said valuables for vanity

lowkey maybe we should just put a link to the discussion thread under each patchnote log and yell at people to go over there to discuss


Dude, our main problem is thatā€¦Arcanium is 1 year old by that point, and a new accessory - Bracelete was added without that change.
And now, out of the blue, Vetex decideds to change that. Likeā€¦why?
Noone asked for that (just like noone asked for magic m1s)

Why would cfist user wear thermo robes

Sebastian cooked!!! Anyway cant wait to spam chineese cannons even more

Doesnā€™t solve my issues with it though, locking certain sets of stats behind having a certain type of magic

Honestly itā€™s not like itā€™s gonna completely make using a certain substat any less obtainable than it is right now, just means some builds that are already fast or large will be able to compound on those base stats more

Anyway I wonder if it randomly chooses from your magics or if it like will only convert to your first to simplify it


Anyways, we got ourselves the first two confirmed strength accessory

hell yeah, vetex listened

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Hereā€™s my question, will testers still be able to keep cataclysm items in their inventory(and not equip them) or will they have to watch as there power 80 orb of death gets deleted out of existence?

ā€œIncreased all cannon ranges by 40%ā€


Am I the only one who was a bit annoyed with the range? In a lot of cases, you had to be really close to the ship, and gravity effect on the range was kinda annoying. I think he did that so that you wont snipe ships without aggroing, but it forced me to resort to ramming a lot to end things quicker.

It is funny because long range is more desired on naval combat irl.

I barely use cannons now that theres siege weapons, but I at least need my Dragonfire Carronades to shine at some point


tbh, I donā€™t really mind the current cannon range
itā€™s usually more than enough range to deal with nearly all npc boats unless they have an absurdly bad turning radius.

but I do think cannons deserve a buff since most people just use rams, since they are a lot easier to hit most of the time

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Alright, now the only thing left to do is to make them not change when equipped as vanity


My ship weaponry setup has always been enhanced iron culverins + enhanced howitzers, I guess now the range of last one will be beyond my own vision range, if mortars even affected by the change ofc

I donā€™t get what youā€™re trying to say, if itā€™s the arcanium is older than 1 year, he meant that we had it IN GAME for one year now, it was never said anywhere that arcanium items would automatically convert

My main problem is that in-game arcanium ALWAYS was ā€˜updatedā€™ only upon item update such as enchnating or upgrade.
But now, out of the blue, without anyone supporting this (thereā€™s only 2 groups rn, netural people, and negative people) vetex adds this. It just kinda makes vanity and shipbuilding less fun man.

I have a white-black colorscheme, so shadow ram and cannons are good look for me, plus goodie stats.


Update (just saw the patchnotess)
its better now, at least collectioners are fine, but damn :sob: still
Being able to change arcanium-magic through ā€˜updatingā€™ with enchanting is still better, noone can convince me otherwise


i thought you could only change unattuned ones with that