Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

nah they do switch when equipped for vanity on purpose. visual identity isnt a bad thing, i dont want to see weirdos wearing a fire armor without even using fire. its not like they’d be lacking alternatives
although like i said before, its not really a big deal for arcspheres and bracelets cuz its just color swaps, while the armor has more going for it

does the armour have like actual magic effects on it? cause that sounds really cool

oh I would want that

probably to form more of a connection with what they use, if a berserker was able to use magic gear just as effectively as a mage then they wouldn’t feel much like a berserker, more of a fake mage

good point actually

i disagree though
the game’s vanity options feel very limiting and i don’t think restricting more vanity options for visual identity is good

yeah i don’t rly think it matters that much as well, i barely see arcspheres being used as drip anymore

You’re taking my argument too seriously for the sake of disproving my argument but that doesn’t work. I’m simply saying that a warlord (who has no magic to conduct) should not be wearing a goddamn magma bracelet.

as i said on another post i dont think its like super drippy. not gonna get your hopes up, im just saying theres a bit more than just a color


well atleast i don’t have to walk around with sunken armor on my Ileg Warlord file when the drip drops.

Now hope it has good stats on ILeg.

I’d guess that it would probably give either defence or attack size

no power? well, i’ve already had thoughts of not replacing my Warlord’s arcsphere when this update drops, not going to grind for dark sea enchants again over some pieces of drip.

it probably does have a base power since arcanium does as well

well if snow arcspheres i transferred over to my files won’t have base power, then basically most of my builds are ruined.

god damn amazing, and i’ve already been sitting on my ass for the past 3 months for this build stuff.

the stats based on the magic are additional according to the trello card
so the arcspheres should still have the regular power

Hope that’s true.

it is

Is this Thread now just “reminders but talking is allowed”

that’s the reason this was made, yes

That’s why it was made, so cryocinical doesn’t have a brain aneurysm every day

I’m sure there’s a great lore reason why the arcanium items gotta change or something

But if the lore directly hurts it the game then it’s kinda bad. Isn’t this supposed to be a video game? Why just suddenly limit the player because lore?