Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yes. As it should be. Therefore let’s rename it into RFAO but talking is allowed

honestly, the range isnt that bad for me.
then again my playstyle on the sea does rely on obliterating literaly anything that gets even remotely close to me with my powerful dragonfire carronades and whilst raining death on them with my mortar as soon as I can close the distance with my ram.

Lets predict the arcsphere stats for:

:acid_magic_var1: - ?
:ash_magic: - ?
:crystal_magic_var1: - ?
:earth_magic_var1: - ?
:explosion_magic: - ?
:fire_magic: - ?
:glass_magic: - ?
:ice_magic_var1: - ?
:light_magic_var1: - ?
:lightning_magic_var1: - ?
:magma_magic: - ?
:iron_magic_var1: - ?
:plasma_magic_var1: - ?
:poison_magic_var1: - ?
:sand_magic_var1: - ?
:shadow_magic: - ?
:snow_magic: - ?
:water_magic_var1: - ?
:wind_magic_var1: - ?
:wood_magic_var1: - ?

k well earth/wood/metal are obviously defense and light/lightning/wind are speed

How I think it would go:

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I mean, we got a thread for this

Sounds logical

Cmon, this isn’t reminders, we can discuss arcsphere stats there too


im just pointing it out, but fair.

:acid_magic_var1: = size or intensity
:ash_magic: = size
:crystal_magic_var1: = size or defence
:earth_magic_var1: = defence
:explosion_magic: = size
:fire_magic: = intensity
:glass_magic: = (idk)
:ice_magic_var1: = defence or size
:iron_magic_var1: = defence
:light_magic_var2: = speed
:lightning_magic_var1: = speed
:magma_magic: = size or intensity
:plasma_magic_var1: = speed or intensity
:poison_magic_var1: = intensity
:sand_magic_var1: = size or intensity (sandy modifier)
:shadow_magic: = size
:snow_magic: = ? size or intensity
:water_magic_var1: = size
:wind_magic_var1: = attack speed or size
:wood_magic_var1: = defence

tbh shadow could just be an all stat up

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Crystallised literally does nothing but buffs the damage of crystal itself. It should have power stat

I played with glass in wom, when it had huge ass rectangle shards. Ima be placing intensity here

Snow could be either size or defense, since Ice normally gives Defense.

yes, but crystal is a solid magic and it has a good size scaling
besides, just giving it more power will just make it even stronger and would be pretty unbalanced.

Crystal Ileg flashbacks? You got a point…

Think snow would fit size / intensity more since sand it’s visually and functionally similar to sand

This IS sand, just recolored.

Snow is Sand but built different.