Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

other builds still deserve a defensive option if you give the mixup route a defensive option

I also don’t really count boxing as an ability, it’s a passive
which it probably should only be if you actually have the fighting style tool equipped since now people just use it as a passive buff without ever actually using any skills on it

also this would fix the issue with people not wanting to press G to block, since they can just choose which skill slot to put the shield spell / technique in

maybe vetex should fix that instead of adding a feature to avoid this very clearly dumb thing


Dumb ass stat deletion, vote here:

Honestly, I would like to know what the testers feel about this change. As far as I know, they’ve haven’t said a word regarding armour piercing.

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There is no ability to block though? Everything is passive.

And the only builds with viable defensive options are savants, boxing and maybe knight.

Agreed. I don’t understand why they even block in the first place

bro who let vetex into the kitchen in the first place :sob:
armor piercing is like using the oven to make a chunk of charcoal

Снимок экрана 2024-02-07 145802

charcoal is great fuel

great fuel for a revolution
(I kind of like armour pierce tho)

Burn that heretic to ashes!

50% pierce + 200 power metal musket:

Which one of us is evil?

yall are seriously crying over a simple CHECK to what is by far the most oppressive stat in pvp. It’s not like 1 AP will suddenly give you 30 extra damage if your opponent has 200 defence. It’s a simple CHECK to absurd builds like jeni’s which, while it’s health regen is greatly lowered, is still absurd.

And as for all you “tank” people: you smell. Pick a better stat to heavily invest in.

Defence is EXTREMELY oppressive in pvp, because of just what it does: Allow you to take more hits. This scales against power alright, but any non-meta build NEEDS a ton of both in order to be viable, because if you lack defence you’d have to be me to survive and if you lack a lot of power you fundamentally can’t win currently.

All that AP does is help level the playing field by acting as a disincentive for running high defence, which as a whole helps build diversity by not forcing power on all of us. Will high AP and high power probably do some absurd things? Not any worse than high power, because what’s taking one less hit gonna do realistically against 500 damage blasts? That’s just the fundamental issue of power, and why it too is rather oppressive. But you can’t just cite one overpowered stat to justify another, so who cares if we finally have a check to defence? And as for blocking power: half of Jeni’s immortality came from blocking power reducing all damage to absurd amounts. Sure, they had ironskin, but they still had unfathomable survivability.

And if you’re worried about pvp balance: almost the entire tester team pretty much just pvp in testing realm. They’ll find any issues with it.


Watch Vetex add “armor piercing” to the lightning in the Dark Sea.

No one is safe now.


just block parry and dodge bro

exactly fr

he has to make blaze accurate to what it canonically is…

still need bosses to not block while doing other shit

true, that would be awesome, I still don’t get why ANYTHING can do that, just buff their hp if you need them to survive longer

Lightning will now instantly destroy your ships and paralyse you for 20 seconds

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