Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Me watching in horror as vetex drops the entirety of sameria directly on top of me



does vetex need to add new ult arts, or are they already coded?

(cant wait for ultimate art jump spell :D)

Ultimate arts are just the attack but slightly bigger, so I doubt much coding needs to be done there

Ultimate art leap is already a thing, as some npcs can use it. However, I think it will probably need some small adjustments before it can actually be added. For example, the current magic circle used is identical for ultimate art blast, and looks nothing like a a leap.


Full sized images

this is a massive leak, any thoughts?


He was not kidding thats a huge ass island

It also gives off the bronze grass lands / that one first sea island with the bandits vibe

lots of juicy treasure areas i hope

“All of my treasure can be found a few paces buried in the ground”


Return to frequently could probably mean we work in collusion with the kingdom or have to unravel a conspiracy, or have connections with the nobles

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the official Arcane Odyssey liked my tweet! :speaking_head: :fire: :exclamation:
(and tech ily tech)

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I sure do wonder where the queen is


This is also making me realize massive city areas in AO (the ones with residential buildings) tend to be all on a flat plane, with no change in elevation

I’d argue that with some buildings on different elevations, ramped roads/walkways, and/or bridges + waterways could contribute to making the cities feel more natural and potentially bigger than they actually are, but the towns also look plenty nice


“At Sameria, I buried a large portion of my treasure about halfway northeast at the sea level” :frcryin:


Aint no amount of Treasure chart website gonna help you out

Also chances of chart leading to a certain island are based on amount of terrain parts of the island itself. Considering the size of Sameria, every chart will be leading to it

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imagine a city built on a cliffside like Shell’s Village that’d be crazy

since you’re supposed to return to sameria frequently in the story, I think that we’ll be doing quests for the ruler which involves going to other islands and resolving issues there or something

See this temple? Why it looks japanese or chinese? Is there some kind of fighting style mentor residing here?

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