Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

the tshark bomba is real

that’s the most AO thing you could imagine

certified drip thread is real

Someone just send the link the the forums drip thread

oh of course they put selectorch’s avatar on there.

it doesn’t even look good in the slightest :sob: could they be any more blatantly obvious with the bias???

(reasons why it looks bad:)

-hair color does not match in hue with the other reds

-pauldrons are clipping through the theurgist cape (using the boss animation does not make you cooler it’s just a bandaid)

-the actual theurgist cape in question has literally no synergy with the rest of the outfit besides the gloves, but that doesn’t really matter since the yellow on the cape looks so ugly compared to the orange on the pauldrons it ruins the whole thing.

-generic “>:/” face I see a lot of AO avatars and NPCs have, it gets pretty lame after a while.

-this one admittedly isn’t very fixable but the poison tooth dagger and the sunken sword clash against the rest of the outfit


AO Drip Check
Here it is

Selectorch is always drippy :slightly_smiling_face:

Selectorch is one of the four people who are on the media team, along with Galaga, Cryo and Tobi.

For someone on the media team they sure lack an understanding of composition :skull::cold_face:

(Maybe theyre decent idk just that AO avatar is a fraud)

unrealistic coloured spiky anime hair automatically makes an outfit incapable of going above a 5/10


Selectorch is always 10/10 minimum

i think it looks good tbh

tobi the only real MEDIA GOAT!

Bro it looks fire bro, just because the color is one hue off doesnt mean it looks bad. I understand if like the boots were bright green, but the cape adds to the look.

nope, straight up ASS!

I would say that Dubious is either A) Jealous B) Has something against selectorch or C) Both


selecttorch is cool and all but what the actual fuck is that outfit bruh :skull:

all this over an image posted on twitter…

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can we keep it pg dont ruin the lives of young children who may be on here

His outfit looks like something your average shadow or fire mage would think looks cool, no offense to select

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