Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

thank god the market is stabilised! i can rip off players again!!!

omg my inf leg scales and sunkens farm that takes basically 0 effort to set up and is cheap to join anyways is getting gutted :scream: :sob:
-casual players

edit: forgot to even mention that you could easily just join luck parties rn to abuse the hell out of them before the update releases. It only costs a legendary fish or a dark sea essentia (dse gets you to join 2 parties even) and then you can fish for sunkens or more legendary fish to your hearts content. Vetex isnt wiping legendary fish nor sunkens afterall

tf you mean, we got a whole ass icon that shows us if we are out of combat and that works well enough (atleast heard nobody complaining about that)

if vetex somehow fucked that up then i’d be wondering how he made the rest of the game

But it’s like
You hit 1 level 15 ensign
No more exploration for 1 minute until you’re out of combat
Either we keep it at 2, or change everything to 1, but a mix of both is waaay to clunky

we need 3 charges just for fun

raycast? is that like hitscan?


Pretty much

Guys lets bet

  • Vetex wont care and will go above V1.14.101
  • Nimbus release before v1.14.101, maybe even right after v1.14.100
0 voters

Grab slam end-move no longer stuns

I am getting more and more convinced Vetex simply cannot read

wait what’s the point of grabs of you can’t combo with them?

you can still do that
but you’ll have less time to do so
and the other person has more chances to dodge it

(also I got stuck multiple times under the part which spawns while the ko is active, which is so annoying because you can’t break it)

nope, they’ll be able to instantly dodge, beside, you could allready instantly parry after a rushdown, it was just insanely buggy

vetex just ignored the balance doc for sum reason

The reason is that he doesn’t want to read it

just use a smash
it’d probably still clip them unless they dodge backwards


Reminds me of the Knockout mechanic in pre-alpha WoM.