Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i pulled up to the dark sea update weak as hell because my build got gutted, i didnt have much desire to continue

Hopefully these nerfs will have future proofed us enough so that nothing of this magnitude will need to be done again.

Until Nimbus dark sea ruins everything and we have to do it all again.

nimbus dark sea making 10,000 wom players look weak

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I think the potential for slowing down people with insta frozen sunken sword might be a reason to use ice conj, but that would be pretty difficult to get for a build

I also wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing more ice + sailor warlock

Now they have to board it and tank the warrior captains like a real man

oh this was from 14.100

check your math buddy

frankly ss deserved those nerfs, dense sunken sword had like 0,3sec startup on rising tide with a ludicrous hit and clashbox and nonexistant endlag

rising tide is one of the best skills in the game, 0,35 seconds startup, huge aoe and clashbox, gives you a height advantage and is unpunishable

polls aren’t to make decisions thankfully, just to judge community reaction, if balancing was based on polls, we would all be cooked

any self / placed aoe type attack

it sends you way too high


it’s only huge when you get size enchants on it, without them it can be tiny, but this doesent really matter because of how common dense is. I still don’t feel like the nerf fully justifies rising tide, but I understand your point.

surge got fucked bad (im very sad because this was really useful for npc fighting, now the wallbang is shit)

bro about to grab someone from the other side of ravenna

i remember fighting a friend of mine in ravenna and some random dashed to us and by instinct grabed him

that really only applies to one weapon so i doubt that one weapon will boost it to above sand conjurer which has been consistently one of the best conjurers since release
ice wind mage still better than sand mage though

what’s odd is that you hardly see any of them, conjurers seem more random other than shadow which there are many of.

its probably because sand doesnt look that appealing
nobody unless they’re extremely based sees sand on the menu and says “wow that looks really cool and sounds fun let me use it”

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Sand conj is good yes but it’s not really unique, it’s like vanilla flavored conjurer. It’s basic

1: I am hella excited for next week, New sea (Finally will be able to have shot as a warlord, i have 150w 100s rn) some i hope amazing story, N E W V A N I T Y,

2: Gosh damn the nerfs!