Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

It’s pretty real methinks

Why Sameria so massive though.

Isn’t Skyhall meant to be the final island we’ll visit?

i like big things

Why does this sound as a challenge for me?

Didn’t you forget I am being called evil? >:)
I am vitality main so shining king is no problem for me, but yall will suffer (:<

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and i wont get the context, oof

mfw when sameria is one of the major story kingdoms

Okay Vetex said stuff about it in reminders 4
Here’s the image I got rid of earlier




Something is off…

Good thing most hybrids will be getting access to leap/airstep, I can’t imagine traversing an island bigger than Ravenna with just sprinting and dashes

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i dont think Jotunheim is in Nimbus?

I assume it’s gonna be one major kingdom per sea cluster, plus I’m pretty certain Wotan and his generals wouldn’t take too kindly to someone who singlehandedly took down a, albeit very weak, ruler

Jotunheim is in vimir/somewhere even later perhaps

I dread the month in 2025 when vetex has to build this behemoth of an island.

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I would like to say, keraxe is primarily based in vimir sea, so dont expect nimbus sea updates to have too many keraxe islands

Imagine a boss fight that takes your around the whole island. Like on some Titan Lost type beat from FF16

Watch it be the same size as magius was gonna be in WoM :sob:

we’re going to be seeing keraxe in vimir then