Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Knights were allready meta last update

drawback is also slightly more viable since there’s less regen penalty in combat

since savant will only be able to invest a max of 40% of their stats into one category the next update, and any above that will turn them into a full build, what would happen if you put 149 stats into vitality before the update gets released?

will the game just give you warden, or would it just stay as savant but glitch it out or something?

Can yall shut up about how the meta is doomed and shit?

The update isn’t even out yet and we don’t know what other balancing additions are going to be made in that time


me when i post the same thing in two topics


i literally read the trello 5 minutes ago, and after 5 minutes…i see this.

Arcanium Weapons when?

Now pray that the power bonus of arcspheres won’t be deleted in the process.

arcanium set probably power only or power + 1 stat ig

no more arcsphere collections :frcryin:
but this is going to be pretty great for certain magics such as light, since it would give both attack speed and damage

I feel like this is going to bring us another mage meta

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so non-magic imbued ones give the same stats as pre-update ones?

i better start preparing for this ngl.

I hope this means we’re getting arcanium weapons sometime soon
maybe vetex overestimated them and just decided to add it to this update

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bruh, my magic is light so i assume that i get atk speed, and that cool, i like atk speed, i have 356 atk speed, problem, im a warrior


ah yes
Basic imbued hat


vindicator imbued or musket imbued

musket imbued musketeer hat

welp, no more cataclysm accessories

(also are warriors just screwed? since fstyles are getting items)

assuming u are a mage do u get buffs from both of your magics or only one which is on the item

I suppose it’s just the one that’s on the item
but you could probably mix and match with different variants of gear if you have more than one magic tho

Gee golly, more powercreep!

Rest in peace all arcspheres that get intensity added to them though.

what do you mean?
intensity got a huge indirect buff from the health regen nerf
(unless you’re using a magic without a damaging status)