Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

ok so crazy idea.
since bronze sealed chests are named after both the main resource of the sea’s kingdom aswell as the sea its self.

what if Nimbus sealed chests are not only named after the sea but after a material that the major kingdom in that sea produces.

like a different kind of Arcanium forged from materials found within sky islands instead of materials found underwater.

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My favorite material from the AO series, Nimbusteel

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the naming would fit right in with arcanium lol.



Just like the ceruleans.

But this means it’s entirely possible we get captured right as we enter skyhall. It’s extremely unlikely we become a slave like in the eternal mines, but I moreso expect it’s because they want to interrogate us and see why we wanted to come to their cities. That or we tell sameria and they tell skyhall what we told them.

Unless we tell them that we and our party killed calvus ourself because he was corrupt and affiliated with more corrupt people. Then sameria might try to fight us.

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Notoriety players upon seeing 3 Greatly Armored Navy Brigs each with a commodore on them:

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we in deep shit once we start seeing Methamphetamine Sealed Chests

“Looks like I hit 5 notoriety, hopefully nothing bad happens on my way to cash out my sealed chests”
The Armored Grand Navy Galleon:


i mean ddoesen’t it still follow normal progression?
so that has to be like… a 20-star notoriety

nah i think the first island we go to in nimbussy sea will be a small wilderness island or town and we go to the homeland island in the second chapter (vetex said the first chapter will be super short and not much happens)

id imagine the nimbus sea would have to scale with all the other op ships. 1 notoriety shouldnt send a lv40 vice captain in a sailboat after you when the weakest guys are lv90 fortified ketches

the thing I find funny is why is redwake on the opposite side of the bronze sea from the nimbus sea

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i always thought about that aswell tbh it doesnt make that much sense

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Spain had territory all the way in Mexico, Sameria probably does the same

They probably had redwake at the time of the treaty, then since war got prohibited in the bronze sea Ravenna couldn’t do anything about it

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the thing I cant wait for: hybrids getting access to pulsar,surge,uppercut,axeslash


Warlock axe-slash and conjurer pulsar

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conjurer with vindicator…


hope we also artisan weapons and 200 and 300 stat spells and techniques

Wind-imbued devastate