No, We Do Not Need Another Boat Between Ketch/Brig

You do not need some middle boat between the two.

to prove it, I shall cargo farm to 20k and prove how long it takes

here is the setup:


the moment this post is made, I shall begin to load the ketch and start cargo farming.

I am starting in Rubica






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first unload beginning



I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

auto unload exists yknow


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auto load doesn’t.


oh damn, should only take 4 hours

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good luck soldier :saluting_face:

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don’t worry, tbh it only takes 4-5 cargo runs spending 3500 galleons on cargo each time
which is 5 hours

Bro is 100% getting ganked due to this post

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looks about right to me

alright just don’t die

I only need about one or two full loads, cargo snowballs hard

Dw I got 4 Hades members on the way rn :pray:

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well, to be blunt, fuck.

I CANNOT unload this, at all. The game decided I’ve done enough and stopped unloading cargo, while also still having everything marked for unloading, as such I cannot pick this up, nor take control of my ship, nor ask Edward to unload again.

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gonna stop for now because it’s not exactly fair to race cargo runs while being able to lose most of your cargo to a bug, but just note that I was a single trip from ravenna to redwake from affording the brig

Wait how much you get on + per crate from ravenna to redwake?

you spend 50 galleons per crate and you sell for 99

So to get brig i need to buy and succesfully sell over 400 crates(~408)

WAIT i counted it wrong. It would be not more than 202 crates