I'm not on board with this

I'm not on board with this https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/7/675ac72ab5d4c4bd6a495e125688b383e63f6f72.png
effort 3.444444444444445 9 quality 2.666666666666667 9 reasonability 2.6 10

I’m sure in the previous 40 replies someone said this but as I’m reading I can only say one thing…
Dark Seas
Also just realized we don’t know what the level requirement for this is going to be.

yes it’s isn’t that hard your right (it just takes a long time)
but is still a really big gap think about how long it took you to get the ketch
times that by 6 that the grind for brig

the grind isn’t that bad for us players
that can’t be said for newer players

“I don’t know why it just feels not right”

I think it’s fine for the price. Even though in a perfect world there should be more natural ship progression at this point in the game, Darksea is coming next, and the Brig and all of its features are presumably pretty necessary for it. I’m sure that when we get more ships, some will move in to fill the gap between the Ketch and the Brig.

20k is enough that me and my friend are finally going to utilize our shared clan bank to buy brigs after building up money in it for ages.

Cargo farming.
What a funny way to spell torture.

he is doing that because of my post

true tho

Even if I was a heavy pvper, if i saw somebody with a shipload of cargo I’d leave them alone.
1: I’d have to move all that to my ship.
2: pity.

you can also just sealed chest grind

sealed chests only give around 50-75 galleons a go.

the bismarck can rule the waves, but i cant spawn pirate ships like cargo

20k galleons is a lot…

didn’t expect the brig to be that expensive but considering it’s power i get it.

a boat in between would be nice. this has the same energy as sharkbite’s titanic

I mean for me, people doing cargo runs for the 20k price tag is a good enough reward for having all 3 job tables, because people don’t do them for a reason. While auto unloading is a thing now (thanks vetex), people just find loading cargo, traveling from 2 islands 4k meters away, and repeat, boring and tedious even for experienced players. Imagine after doing all of that, not counting for jackass gankers, lost money, game glitches, unlucky game mechanics, and crashes, you still have to grind the 3 skills to have full access to the job tables on the Brig

I do agree that the gap between the Ketch and Brig prices is pretty steep, but what pristine said

oh great…

man I just hate getting my money’s worth!

Exactly, the boat might be pricy, but it also comes with so much stuff that you can’t really complain. I think 20k gallons just serve as a money sink. I don’t know if you are aware, but right now the game has awfull money sinks, and this feature will help with it. I have around 200k gallons saved up, so its just a drop in the bucket for me.


if i had to guess there’ll eventually be some “gap” ships that serve certain niches
the reason this is getting added rn is to allow for a darksea-worthy ship

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