The Odyssey Feed
The convenient weekly newspaper for Arcane Odyssey
Produced and written by Fang C. Percy.
Trello News
Upgrades, people, upgrades! Remember being stranded on Permafrost island for 2 years, waiting for your boat to respawn, or desperately collecting goods to sell in a feeble attempt to repair your boat, just for it to be shot by more cannonballs? Well, it seems Vetex has added what we’re looking for!
Now, we can spawn boats at 0 health, even if they’re only at a small percentage of their HP upon spawning. This way, if we’re desperate to get off of an island, we don’t need to pay. In Arcane Adventures, you HAD to pay to repair your boat before spawning it. This will be better… It will be much slower in terms of traveling, but will be much less annoying to players less skilled at boat PvP or PvE like myself.
Boats seem to keep their health, like a real boat in Arcane Adventures. You can also repair them with repair hammers or the Shipwright. A real staple of this series is the realistic boats, to where you would have to take care of them. Looks like that’s going to return in Arcane Odyssey, for the better.
There will be new notifications for when your ship needs to be repaired, and also one for when someone starts attacking your boat, similar to Arcane Adventures. There will also be one for when somebody sinks your ship. These might come in handy.
The 2 Minute respawn timer doesn’t seem like much, so that’s also a good thing. Less waiting around, more sailing and story!
Here’s some stuff about sinking ships… Not only will it alter your reputation (Seems neat), but it will also put a message in chat similar to when killing a player, saying who sank what ship. How will this affect wars? Only time will tell. There will also be special effects such as wood cracking, lowering into water, and other things all told on the Arcane Odyssey Trello. New surface material for gold and iron as well, making it look more metallic in the new lighting of the game. Going to look incredible!
There’s also those new statistics, and that defeated screen was a good fix, since it wasn’t really you being defeated. You could say you were defeated by your body’s lack of oxygen, but… Well, that wouldn’t make that much sense.
Also, Land, rocks, fall damage, and other things will now damage your ship. No more sailing on top of permafrost island…
Here’s some less intense changes… Many of the game’s magics have been nerfed or buffed. Many people on the forum have taken quick notice of these changes on the Arcane Odyssey Trello. Most importantly, ice and gold have been nerfed, while many smaller magics have been buffed as well as weapons receiving a large boost in damage. Here’s the changes.
This weapon buff is certainly a positive to all the weapon mains out there! Not sure how I feel about my future second magic, ice, being nerfed. I’m sure all the advantages ice has in the new map will make up for it… These buffs are pretty insane!
Forum Topics of the Week
Here’s our first topic. It’s going to be a poll asking if a face reveal should be commenced by @Kxks. I’m glad he picked on to the face reveal train that’s been going around, and it takes lots of bravery and commitment to post your face online. It might seem unsafe, but we have an awesome community supporting your decision, Kxks4478. Make sure to vote!
Maybe don’t pick that last option, though…
The suggestions have been fruitful this week! One that caught my eye and has been fairly active up to the end of the week is a suggestion saying sharks should drop items by @anon64436269. This would add a nice touch, hunting sharks possibly for rare things that sharks might eat. Simple and nice suggestion! Shark hunting guilds?
What did YOU ask for this Christmas? That’s a question asked by @Penguin on his topic, which only has 19 replies… Why don’t you share what you want for christmas over there? In the meantime, i’ll be looking at some of the things you share. For christmas, I might ask for Robux, possibly Legos, and Nintendo Amiibos. I trained a Ganondorf amiibo named Vesuvius recently. He didn’t turn out so well. Go share your Christmas wishes!
Also, make sure to check out of @Meta’s suggestions this week, they’ve been good and I couldn’t exclude a mention!
Funniest Forum Comment of the Week
Please note that this is an opinion and that many comments may have been missed.
It seems that @Morden has personally denounced Pepsi on a poll asking the forums if they liked Coke or Pepsi better. I guess that’s a wrap on that poll then… Maybe a bit less language, but this was still funny.
Art of the Week
As soon as I saw this one, I knew it would win this slot rightfully. It’s @Tobi ‘s college art paper, which is a comic showing us how to right comics! I felt close to this one, since i’ve drawn comics in the past. Tobi’s infographic comic shows, in beautiful color, nice illustrations, and clear, humorous instructions, a tutorial on drawing, developing, and creating comics of your own.
Tobi won’t be on the forums as much as explained in the topic, we’ll miss your art for the while you need to take!
We won’t show the art here, as it’s quite large, but feel free to click on the link down below to learn more about making a comic, as well as view this art.
Writing of the Week
Now here’s some writing worth reading… Ultimatum 14 by @Robotstics! Follow the adventures of Arsen and Artemis in their 14th writing establishment. Short, interesting, and easy to read, this short story won over this spot. Nice writing!
We can’t wait until you publish the next issue of this blossoming story! This writing being featured will certainly make Robostics happy!
Trivia Question
This week’s Trivia Question is, what was the first preset NPC to be added to World of Magic?
First to message or ping me with the answer will get a shoutout next week’s issue! No Googling!
Thanks for reading this week’s edition of The Odyssey Feed!