Ok scenario time

okay sure but so can a fireball made of arcane energy

fair enough, but if your still using game standards, a bow and arrow is faster than the fire ball.

no you fucking wouldn’t

if you did you would miss probably

a bow and arrow even has less endlag

okay idc I just need to use beam to hit you ONCE and because ur a normal human it’s bye bye

i already said:
i know how to somewhat survive in the wild, i would run backwards, throw the dagger with my best, and run for the trees.

If you tried to come close to a magma user you’d be fucking melted

its fire… fire doesnt vaporize people unless its REALLLY hot

bro you ain’t tarzan shut up

ain’t no way anyone in panic like that has the skill smh

now why the hell would I come right up to a magma user with a spear?

Because you ran out of arrows

why the hell would you go up to ANY magic user with a spear?

(except maybe idk light)

I honestly would kill you two not gonna lie

you dont know me in real life
ill admit i dont know how id really react, but i have done basic wilderness training, and I KNOW how to make wooden weapons from scratch. its actually really ez

I’d take you with me ngl

would it be okay for me to say now “quit your bullshit”

if i run out of arrows im running awaytill i can make a new weapon or make some more arrows
although, im more comfortable with a spear, so i would probably come back with one while you arent prepared, or your distracted.

Bitch after that I wouldn’t let my guard down

i swear
i DO
ive made a wooden spear before(all it takes is just a sharp object, like a rock, just hit the spear into a shape you like)
ive made a wooden bow before, using those weird leaf blades as a string
i dont have to make a wooden sword, but I can make one i think(all I need is one of those palm tree sticks and now its a sword)

if you dont then i just would leave you alone, whats the point of fighting an Akainu equavalient anyway