Ok scenario time

why would I lie about something like this anyway

Ok to prevent more arguments - Here is your map

Up north - Barren cold wasteland, with a giant barren cold mountain.
Down south - Barren wasteland 2 (electric boogaloo)
As you can see, there is one lake, the only other source of water is the snow.
Near the lake is a forest, where you would be able to hunt.
The cornucopia and podiums are where the compass is on the giant stone plain (Reminders for wasteland part 3)
In the south east lies some ruins.

only 1 water source? thats tough…

bro everyone can make a spear from a stick it ain’t that deep :skull:

just I am failing to see how you have tarzan level reflexes and shit and can use pieces of wood to defeat people who assuming have had time to learn their abilities can retaliate with all kinds of things

not to mention that something like wind magic could just blow away your weapons

and theirs only one small forest too

this one specific area is mine

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anyone can do it, not sure how its so unbelieveable
i do know how to throw a spear properly and I can toss a dagger too(im worse at this one but i can do it)

Bonus(yea fuck you i control this too now):
Earth user at top of mountain that says “welcome to the mountain i am the boss” and has level 120

i can actually accurately throw a spear, ill admit the dagger im not too good at it, but I can use a bow and arrow and a spear(im best with a spear, simple weapon so)

Remember the hunger games are supposed to be entertaining, I thought having the best area be so small would lead to some interesting conflicts (Like how in the original book the best tributes took the lake)

I’d use magma on the snow ez

maybe so, but im just explaining to sandal how its not that hard to believe someone can throw a spear, its simple, just rear up your hand, and use the other to throw straight


:magma_magic: :fire: :lightning_magic_var1: :acid_magic_var1: - hey kid wanna see some maejikz

OH N- wait yes I wanna see the magic tricks


tbh magma magic would be devastating in that map

No melting all the snow and causing mass flooding

do you read what you type
even if you dont believe me, the average guy can probably kill a flame throwing psycho with smarts.

No I’d just use to get water without fighting in ohio

Anyway i’m not answering any more questions until later

thats not fair, thats actually a good way to win

uhhh who wins nerd or guy with a built in flamethrower