Ok scenario time

  • ban life magic

0 voters

yeah but you can suffocate from overburning

There’s no “no” option

life is comically overpowered and stupid we should ban it

I do believe healing and life magic only heal people if you’re in a party. and when in a party you can’t heal yourself. Life is just better healing than healing magic.

fair poll because typ scared
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

apparently awesome says life heals you which if true should be banned because the way people say it makes life sound like you’re basically unkillable and don’t have to eat or anything

basically how to play the hunger games while not actually playing the hunger games

The no eating or sleeping claims are an asspull, you’d obviously get tired from using it

@Randomness says everything will be balanced so healing and life should likey be equal and all fire magics would be the same heat or less.

That’s not balanced, why use anything but Phoenix

true so phoenix would then be less hot than other fire magics.

phoenix shouldn’t even heal then if it has to be the same heat

then reduce its heat :man_shrugging:

i think i’ll use electron magic, as its basically poison lightning but better.
i can use it to create clouds of burning air to wipe many people out from far away, and also use this to cook any food.
it being a form of lightning magic also makes it fast, so i can use auras to run away when needed.
when i need to rest i can make a barrier of it, which also creates burning air around me in a large radius so people cant get close.
in the beginning, i can shoot a bolt into the middle to create burning air that wards people away

instant win imo (poison lightning works too)

okay fine, but in a combat scenario the way y’all are describing life magic makes it sound like being on godmode and you literally are immortal

can’t use magic till day 1 ends

just eat food after you have killed several people, and set up a life magic barrier each time

Honestly reconsidering this, pressure is by far the best. Pressure is normally invisible and with it you can easily crush most most at the start of the game. If you ever fee unsafe just create a hole in the earth via pressure and sleep down there, you can even create tunnels to steal food from others

hear me out:

we should restrict this just to base magics

lost and ancients are kinda hard to make equal and there’s a lot of really wacky and unfair ones (we’re looking at you life)

it’s purplish I think?

also wouldn’t you get crushed by accident if you accidently mess up