Ok scenario time

oh my god guys I can sidestep look at m-

gets blast incinerated

okay so assuming that this is a multi day thing and people can do this thing called “training” I don’t see ur point bub

Flare magic:

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in this entire argument sandal has opted to exclude lost and ancient magics, since life magic just won the game

Oh lmao yeah explosion users insta win this then

yes, sandal put up the point of game stats over realism so therefore all magic isn’t really that great compared to weapons

(that’s a lost magic and in the context of our conversation is banned)

(however fire basically does the same to a less extent but is still deadly)

warmwater put up the point we’re normal humans and not lego people who can T jump at will soooo

well at least you have the other color
guess it’s ok


Legend has it that @CrimsonCreate is still typing to this day

me on my way to say that just to not be killed:


:medal_sports:Rank one day one:medal_sports:

hey man, if it’s life or death, I’d prefer life even if I have to chant the most cringe shit possible

not cringe you’re just not based

Magic: Fire Magic
Strategy: I’ll make myself a little base and wait there until it’s just me and the last person. If anybody tries to invade my base I’ll either defend myself and defeat them, or die trying. I would also use my fire magic to start fires in order to cook food, stay warm, and have light.

and if someone burns down your base? (or explodes it)

I defeat them and then run away to build a new base.

I’d use blaze magic cuz I like red lightning, and because my muscle memory with lightning magic is strong.

Aside from that, I’d try to stay hidden until there’s only two other people left. Then, while they’re fighting, I finish off the one who’s closest to death, and take the other one down while they’re still trying to figure out what’s going on.

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im just going to leave the island. i dont want to hang around a bunch of “special”…people trying to murder me