Ok scenario time

leave = instant death

mans projecting an exceptional amount with the “special” part

When you think about it, being a slave is really dangerous. Your enslaver’s enemies will realize that you are the reason they can’t kill your enslaver, and they might find killing you easier than separating you from them. If they are able to capture you, and your enslaver realizes it, then your enslaver might just kill you to prevent you from falling into their hands. If your enslaver defeats all enemies and you’re the only one left, they no long have any need to keep you alive, and you definitely can’t beat them in a 1v1. If they are too suspicious of you escaping or betraying them, they may make you even more defenseless than your magic choice already does, by tying you to a tree or something. Of course, if your enslaver finds another person with healing magic, 2 may be too much to manage, so they just kill you, whereas if you were a combat specialist, just because your allies decide to break off their alliance with you doesn’t mean they’ll immediately try to kill you, and if they do, at least you have a fighting chance

Now as for the combat argument, even if in-game, magic only does damage comparable to weaponry, that’s because the in-game character has superhuman strength and the weaponry is probably not equivalent to irl weaponry. Besides that, if you think you can just charge at the enemy and survive everything because you have life magic, there is another factor to consider. Some magics in WoM can easily punch large holes into the ground, even as a level 1, so its safe to assume your rapier and everything else you’re carrying would get destroyed realistically, but even if that were not the case, even if your life magic could keep you from getting injured, normal human mobility wouldn’t exempt you from getting buried alive. Once they see that you use life magic and a rapier, they can simply create trenches around themselves and when you get into them then they bury you with a ton of material

life magic unbreakable shield blocking magic:

anyways of course if someone spends time to be prepared for someone they would have a countermeasure, I doubt someone would have a protagonist idea to specifically make the trenches and then bury me in them mid fight tho

also who said I can’t use a bow/ other kinds of magic if yall hate unbreakable life shield if someone is trying to zone me like this?

also, apart from earth magic, magic in WoM is about the size of like a tire, and moves at the speed of a kid running at you, I think I can jump out of the way.

(also how is a bow not equivalent to a real bow? they both fire arrows, which isn’t affected by not skipping arm day, and the very fact that the superhumans in WoM get hurt an equal amount would mean that either magic is as strong as our weaker weapons, or weapons are as strong as our powerful magic)

[dear god the amount of time you’ve been replying scares me]

you’re just proving my point

Is that a webcomic reference?

It could happen by accident. A battle with magic would create lots of holes in the terrain around you where they’re shooting blasts, and if you happen to be in one, then you can get buried from just a huge spam of attacks

Well, in the OP you can only pick 1 magic, and I suppose you could use a bow assuming that you do know how to use a bow irl

Well, in this situation does using magic freeze you in place like it does in-game? If not, then the other person can also run around and make it harder for you to dodge. If it does freeze you like in game, then that’s a disadvantage for you too, cause that means you’ll have to stop moving in order to heal if you ever get hurt

Weaponmakers in WoM are wizards compared to irl weaponmakers. They have ways of improving the stats that don’t appear to have clear limits. Pretty much, as you get higher and higher level weapons, the stats just get better and better, and they have already done more than irl people could do with making super-durable wooden shields. That’s why we can’t say for sure how a WoM bow would compare to an irl bow

[dont be worried. That’s just how I am. It takes me a bit because sometimes I correct myself and rewrite]

it’s been confirmed that in the actual universe magic doesn’t hold you in place, but that doesn’t mean the magic circle travels either

Walk off the plate early

Jk, I’d recognise one skill issue very quickly, so I would probably team up with them immediately. I’d probably use equinox or something and learn how to correctly create some antimatter-matter collision bullshit. Phoenix would be a very versatile option as well.

your success at making an alliance here is based off of how public you make yourself/ how recognizable you are without telling anyone who you are

depending on if I just randomly get teleported here and if we keep whatever we were wearing, there’s a good chance someone could recognize me because as my pfp shows, I wear a red sweater very often

While everyone fights I’m going to maps edge and chilling out the game.

realistically I would die from shock anyways

it dont matter what my setup is, i will still wipe all of you in ship combat, and then when mortars come out, i will rain hell upon this world. ao will never be the same

Damn who would’ve thought

Darkness, I would hide somewhere, wait for everyone to kill themselves then gank the survivors

anyone who is suncry or tries to make suncry guild in the game gets extra targeted for bonus points

the last thing this poor man saw was truly an arcane odyssey :fr:

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not only can I aim a bow(im an amateur, but i can someone hit the target from a far away place)
i can:
throw a spear(im really good at throwing spears)
throw a knife
and im learning how to swing a sword

ok, honestly, I feel kind of dumb after reading the entire discussion, so I change my mind about choosing water magic.

instead, I would probably choose wind magic.
its pretty fast, would be decent for hunting and defense.
another alternative would be lightning magic, since its almost the exact same thing, maybe better because of paralysis(im not sure if paralysis will stay though)

another one i’d choose would be ice, for the same reasons, and have you ever been hit by a rock? imagine that but way bigger and its cold.

An even BETTER choice would be earth. maybe not so good for offense, but for defense it’ll be the best.
i’d imagine you can make a cave with it, so thats why i think it’d be good. plus, i know semi basic hunting skills, so it would just skip an entire thing(finding shelter).

Honestly though, i’d probably choose wind/lightning.

also, wind is fast, so I assume I can make myself move faster too
same with lightning

wind magic -
i can literally just choke you on sight