Ok scenario time

or electron/ash to poison the air around me

There is a disadvantage to being able to move faster. If you want to be able to attack as much as possible with as little risk as possible, then you need to have a magic that’s easy to flee from, but hard to fight against. As long as your victim’s cost of fleeing is lower than their cost of fighting back, they will always flee, which means you can get away with attacking people without reprisals. If your magic makes you move fast, then you’re hard to flee from. Similarly, if you can move so fast that you have a very high success rate of fleeing, but fighting back would be more risky, then people will push you around more, cause they know you won’t fight back



man y’all are delusional asf if you think stuff like this can compare to people who shoot literal lightning and fire and whatever else at high velocity

why do people keep saying shit like “I’ll use x magic to do cool things with it disregarding the fact that it’s a magic and not a curse”, you can’t choke people with wind magic, you can’t make caves with earth magic, you can’t lift up shit and move it around with pressure magic, magic is a hard system that follows the basic spells you can earn, and none of the lost spells do those things either

fire is not fast

(also good luck aiming that thing you have never aimed before)

alright guys warmwater is not allowed ANY magic he only gets a wooden bow and a single sharp rock because magic is too hard to use apparently for him

ok, I’ll see you after I hide in a tree and snipe you

(he doesn’t realise I would probably burn down vegetation)

you dont understand
its much easier to fight with something you know rather than something you dont
and also, its going to be helpful to have some weapon knowledge

although honestly, using a super destructive magic like fire might seem pretty good, but if you’ve watched the hunger games or read it(ive done both), you’ll know its not a good idea.

I’d probably most likely choose magma instead. Same effect, except its harder for people to team on you.

guys who wins small knife or giant fucking earth blast

id lose
im saying weapons are still useful, wth man

if I have a spear, i can use it to grab things i wouldnt have been to reach before.

Plus, it’ll be good for surprise attacks, then I can swamp them with magma or something

ALSO, i know how to make a natural spear out of a decent enough twig, so

i change my mind, ive narrowed it down to magma, or lightning, or ice.

man you guys are really dumb if you think I won’t be burning everything into smithereens so it’s just a massive barren flame wasteland

no, your stupid.

not only is using fire self destructive to yourself(brings out your location, might kill any food that you might have been able to get/lure them away), people will start targeting you because you are destroying their food sources.

Doing that is going to just make things way harder for you.

Also, its going to get balanced, so don’t expect to be a flamethrower. Also, chances are you’ll die to your own fire if you do that.

the hunger game maps aren’t small.

the neat thing about removing all the surroundings is that now everyone can see YOU, and if there’s multiple people there, they would see you before you see them probably

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you cannot stop meh