Okay Bro, Real Talk About the Forums

Well that’s just a forum thing.

It’s a nice split of 50/50

You got the degenerates who make/live for female drawings (typically in a suggestive manner) and usually only seek those.

Then you have ordinarys who go to look for good art/make good art.

Personally for me. the art just has to look good. I don’t really care about much else.

Then you have people who act like anyone who shows this level of lust towards an oc is literally the stereotypical reddit moderator.

And don’t get me wrong, an exponential amount of people in this site REALLY need to go get some friends.

But at the end of the day. It’s pretty much just lines and color on a paper.
So no need to get mad about it too much.

Nah I’m just as bad and I was born before


This is pretty out of proportion. It’s not that they don’t have self control. Some of them probably just didn’t realize how people would react or didn’t care

im scared to ask but what does this stand for

I’ll just say that the P stands for potions.

Everything else is up to your interpretation

I genuinely appreciate the art, and honestly I’m not really that into most of the pieces. That said, the urge to make a joke is sometimes too strong to ignore.

im sucks at acronym please tell me

Girls Drunk On Potions.

I’m not explaining anything nor am I taking questions after this.

… okay, that’s just ever so slightly sus.

It’s sus but the others are worse.

I am speaking of the reply-makers, not the artists.
You’re BEYOND fine - even making fun of one of those people once (the Caitlin Crown piece you did in the drawing people’s slots topic. Where she was boutta pull a sword on the guy who said “smash”)

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Sure doesn’t seem that way.
And considering how, well, unique some of the replies are - not to mention unending, it doesn’t even seem to be ironic as @Gamehero14 believes it is.

Time for my psychology lesson

You see, we live on this space called the internet, which some of us may not leave at times. On this plane called the internet, some people try to be “funny” and “quirky”. They do this by many types of means to gain access to the key to the internet, nicknamed “Attention”. One type of people looking to get to “Attention” is by acting absolutely batshit out of character to everyone else, wether it be yelling insults at everyone (I see you writing “ain’t reading allat”), typing stupidly long essays (I’m here all night), or acting really horny and becoming that one gif of the wolf character distorting their entire body shape. In some cases, the subject of this “Attention seeking” may fully acquire these personalities, which can lead to side effects such as being unable to talk to one of the opposite gender without going into some sort of mental shock.
Now here we are on the Arcane Odyssey Forums, of which we have people drawing art of characters who by chance happen to be female. Now this is personally fine, however we have characters, such as mentioned above, who see an image of an imaginary woman and lose another half of their wits. This is common practice across the internet.
Another factor can be pinned down that the internet allows people to anonymously talk. This allows them to act however they want with little repercussions.

In the end, I just got bored and started typing random shit from my ass lol. Can y’all just not go so crazy over drawings fictional women. It affects the artist who makes the art, it makes some people disgusted, and overall you’re unfunny. :P


This right here was all we needed.
I am glad you agree with me.

im pretty sure it’s people’s lack of bitches and inability to talk to girls that is causing this.

Simple answer really, no father

This isn’t random. You hit the nail right on the head. That’s why I don’t respond to those kinds of comments. They might be gross but me replying to them would only give them the attention they want.

After carefully viewing and seeing all of THIS

I have come to the conclusion that you were right, people were in fact serious. I would say “God help us”, but I’m atheist and even if I wasn’t, I think he’d have abandoned this hellish place long ago.

I am so glad you understand :raised_hands:

I honestly wish I didn’t.