On Arcane Odyssey you will be more friendly or brawler? and a little of my opinion

Look , after read all my fucking post about the ( something you don’t like at arcane odyssey)
I really regret this post, because it probably makes the vetex very embittered with the fans until today, all the comments of the vetex that I saw were to try to resolve the players’ discussion

thinking about it, complaining about something you don’t like is normal, but taking it too far makes it weird not rational, it’s really not cool to criticize a game that wasn’t even are posted because someone didn’t like an idea, everyone has a something who likes, and there will always be something that someone doesn’t like, but I don’t understand why in the forum a place to talk about what he likes, it became a conflict like that. , I just wish vetex was more respected , he tries hard , does everything possible to make the game cool , I don’t even know how he survives every day programming this game so JUST , just give more value to other people , vetex is not special , but vetex is still someone, and like every person he deserves recognition for what he did, and like every person respect. is good.

I feel sad seeing this because vetex is a very hardworking game creator, and I would like people like them to have more respect, If on day he start to hate the fans I will still appreciat he work but I think he deserves as much respect as everyone else ; here who doing nothing , only the tester and moderators really can say something.

so I don’t think it’s right for us to criticize the game without him asking, or at least before posting.

I apologize if it’s not very readable because I’m still studying English.

Vetex sorry if I caused you a headache.


I probably won’t spend too much time PvPing, especially since I don’t plan on joining a guild. So I guess I’ll be more ‘friendly’ but I’d usually prefer playing alone or with people I know

it has some grammatical errors but it’s not hard to read.

[space to indicate that i’m responding to something else]

I’m probably gonna be friendly, rking isn’t really my thing.

I want to try to be someone memorable in the game, I want to be someone who helps everyone else who, above all, will always lend a hand to those in need , someone with justice sense


I will try bounty hunting
Killing players give bounty so i will prob find people that actually want fight and not log the moment sombody attacks

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Thanks for not beging toxic and start spam how trash I am. :slight_smile:


Sounds like a pretty big goal, I wish you luck

Thanks mate, that will be of great help.

I just want to screw around

I really think it will be awesome to explore the whole game too

Gonna spend a lot of my free time bounty hunting and getting better at pvp so definitely more of a brawler

I think I’m going to be friendly. I don’t really pvp much. The only time I’d pvp is bounty hunting or if I see somebody doing bad stuff.

im an avid ‘kill everyone i see for infamy even if infamy changes occur and theres a better way of gaining infamy’ fan

I’ll probably be quite friendly but often kill random on my roleplay build, if you wanna know why read it’s desc. CLICK

Even though guilds dont get infamy from killing I’m still gonna kill people for no reason or just ruin their boat

*dodges *

My goal is going to be simple: having fun and fully enjoying the game without ruining other people’s experiences. if i feel like fighting, you can sure bet i’m going to sail around and shoot some ships, but i’m not gonna spawnkill someone. As an extension, this means my rep is going to fluctuate, sometimes steeping into negative territory. Some days i might feel like bounty hunting, other days i might feel like destroying stuff.

Im interested with bounty hunting, i have 2 friends and one of our plans is to try and coordinate hunts on people to try and corner them into an island where we can claim their bounty and split the prizes

I’m going to main naval combat so I can not have to do treasure charts

I wont be PvP because i will probably on that rare item grind :sunglasses: :100: :100:
Main reason 1: I am not looking to be skilled at PvP, I am looking to enjoy playing the game.
Main Reason 2: as stated above, I need to maximize my time looking for lost magic scrolls and shit
Main Reason 3: overall i just suck at pvp and i don’t want to do something i am bad at and will never be good at