Open World PvP is a problem

No its not lol.
The AO skill floor is obnoxiously high, why do you think the rift between PvE and PvP exists in the first place.
Maybe it was easy for you and your friends/guildmates to pick up, but not for the vast majority of people.

I’ma be real with you, these are some seriously bad takes.
1: AO skill floor is low
2: Forcing other people who don’t want to PvP into PvP is fun
3: A level 100 can take down a level 140 in a normal match

and this is because you’re good at it.
I’m not, so it feels like ass to play.

Other PvP systems… don’t feel like ass to play even when I’m bad at them.
AO’s does, and that is extremely bad.

As for other reasons I couldn’t be less interested:
The community around AO PvP looks like a nuclear disaster.
There is no gameplay incentive whatsoever. (thank god)

Mateys, this has to be the worst set of takes on the forums if I’m bein’ honest. The forecast shows it’ll be raining cats and dogs, specifically to pile on these ideas. It’s basically being an ass for the sake of being an ass.

I was waiting for your response to be exactly like this :sob:

??? What the fuck? THIS IS MALEVOLENT WORK :sob::sob::sob::sob::frowning::sob::frowning::frowning::sob::frowning:

ngl bro at what point is this honestly just segregation

Hey man Ik im biting the bait but you should probably cut your patronising bullshit out, I dont know where you got the delusion that pvpers who supposedly “try all aspects of the game” are somehow better than pvers, that gives you some supposedly right or moral high ground to gank them.

That whole paragraph was basically saying “Im better than everyone else and I feel good when I gank”


oh course we won, we were right

I cannot tell you how many games I’ve quit for choices like this.

Albion Online was SO FUN to me, for a long time, until I was forced into PVP over. And. Over.

And I sure do LOVE how when Swordburst Online was at it’s height, I’d deal with constant high levels attacking me when I was level 8-9.

Seriously, why do developers think forced PVP is a good idea when they know a chunk of the community, if not the MAJORITY, will be annoyed. Do not get me STARTED on Black Desert.

It encourages playing like a rat, which is fine, but it makes those who don’t play any other way, no matter the style, be forced into incredibly difficult situations. I recall playing Albion Online once and having to decide between getting a pelt or going back to a safezone, because there were camping gankers outside the safezone, and there are gankers AROUND the PVP zone. Meaning, just EXISTING is a high tense, difficult situation.

I play Hunt: Showdown, I can deal with losing loot and losing profits, but being put into REPEATED impossible situations with my nerves? I just wanna eat my computer at that point.


this is very accurate to my experience as a somewhat experienced ao experiencer. when i make new files i do put some effort into my build, but it’s usually just defense with level 1 (maybe sometimes 2 if i put enough time into it) jewels and maybe strong if i’m feeling spicy that day. very much unoptimized for pvp, peak for fighting bosses tho!

I haven’t run into much trouble with PKing myself. Sure, sometimes I’ll get attacked, but it is infrequent. To me, it’s just another part of the game, and I think the game would be worse without it. When you have conflict, you have the opportunity to triumph.

I can remember times when I was able to save another player from a PKer. Another time, I got a group of players that were in the server - didn’t know them before, just heard that one of them got killed, we banded together, hunted down the PKer, and got our asses kicked one after the other. But hey, it was fun, we tried our best! PKing being an option allowed for these dynamic events, allowed me to interact with other players in a way that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

I do think that heavier punishment for PKing would be good, and reward for hunting the PKers would be great. I draw inspiration from another Roblox game, The Wild West (boy, that narrows it down, I’m too lazy to grab a link) - it is open PK, you can go hostile and kill anyone anywhere, except in certain areas where you can remain protected as long as you don’t draw a weapon.

However, doing such things will mark you on the map as a killer for an increasing amount of time, and you will gain a bounty which you will lose some of your money if you die to a non-outlaw player, and the non-outlaw player that killed you gets a portion of the bounty - 1/3 for a kill, full amount for an arrest. If an outlaw is arrested, then depending on their “killer” status and their bounty, they go to jail. If you have been frequently killing other players, or have a too high bounty, you are deemed a menace, and are put in a coal mining prison for 5 minutes if arrested.

I think a similar system would work well to make PKers more manageable. It wouldn’t be a simple thing to design, much less implement, there are many moving parts. The main problems it would need to solve is to make the PKers able to be hunted themselves much easier, to make them able to be seen coming, and to penalize the PKers when they are brought down in a way that is not negligible/ignorable. The system would need to avoid causing problems for the existing fame/infamy leaderboard mechanics, and the Navy/Assassins.

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don’t forget onioncream

It most certainly is - yes there’s the point that it’s not for everyone. But mechanics-wise it’s not anything outlandishly difficult to become alright at. Apologies if that ticks a nerve in you.

No I do it because I like Arcane Odyssey in general - and I’d rather enjoy something I like on a game I like.

If this isn’t applicable to you then just say so, yes I’m well aware there’s a huge difference in gear and base stats, that doesn’t render it to be impossible if your mechanics are good enough.

I used to level up files quite often so I’ve had my fair share of times being ganked on a low level slot, and it’s only on pretty rare occasions that I feel the need to swap to a slot where I can be presumably more “competent” on.

It’s definitely not a good thing for them, this is predominantly my perspective - if you can’t see what I see there’s no need to be so rude about it.

I’m gonna be real with you - I’m nowhere near as good as you think. I already stated that I’m a tad bit certain that the fast pace is due to my eyesight and not anything within the game itself. What are you getting at here?

Stop derailing the thread!!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I say on this site pretty often that I PvE alot more than I PvP - you guys just get it twisted because of the association between clans and PvP. You’re allowed to enjoy PvP even if you’re not the best at it because everyone does start somewhere.

I feel it was more of a “I like all aspects of the game including the bits people hate, whoops!”.

I swear I could never reach second tower because of being jumped when I was younger. :sob:


Edit: I forgot to write a conclusion is it over for me?
From my perspective, you guys are misinterpreting a part of my character and trying to assign it to my argument to paint me as someone with a more crazy than I intended to give. We ball though!

I repeat: Just because it was easy for you to pick up does not mean that the vast majority of people picked it up that easily.
Like over 85% vast majority.

I am getting at the fact that this game’s PvP feels like shit to play unless you’re good at it.
You have to cross a ravine of some of the worst PvP gameplay I’ve ever seen in my life to get to the good part. No thank you.

You’re missing the point, most of us do not want to “enjoy” pvp.
We do not find it fun.

It is unrewarding, irritating, and clunky at best.

Shockingly, when you force somebody to do something they don’t want to do on repeat, their opinion on it does not improve.

I’ve been playing since WoM open test 1 and I am yet to have a singular positive experience with this game’s PvP mechanics.

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I’d argue I was one of the slower learners out of my friends, and I’ve always been like that on any game I play regardless of where the skill floor lands. You don’t know me on such a level that you know how quickly I picked up AO, so I don’t see a point to try make something up about it.

I’m considerably worse than alot of my more “PvP-oriented” friends, and my K/D is ratio on my main file is around 0.4.

Again, you don’t know me on such a level that you’re qualified to reach this far.

I’m pretty certain I said that’s completely fine on an earlier post, and I asked you why you thought that way to better understand it (as I clearly don’t think like how you do on this issue).

I’d rather you stop ignoring what I’m saying for the remainder of this discussion.

Yea no.

You don’t get to say: “I love ganking people minding their own business” and “You don’t have to like PvP” and expect me to not notice the contradiction.

No, I’m not qualified to tell you exactly where you stand in PvP skill, but I know you stand very high up compared to the vast majority of players solely on the basis that you enjoy it.

I have never once seen a person who liked AO PvP and was bad at it.
I’ve been told the same sentiments by about every person I’ve met ingame that’s tried it and failed.
Slow, clunky, irritating, unbalanced, unfun.

anyways if you’re going to take up this arrogant ass tone with me I’m not going to continue discussing with you.
I thought we were past this.

You want me to derail something else? :smiling_imp::pray:

Two days ago, I was almost done with arcane odyssey and hopped onto my bounty file to go and use that array spell scroll
I joined, and immediately got ganked by an ash-iron claws warlock and sent to execution
I didn’t even have the array scroll with me, it was on my other file

You may know me as the guy that has a kd ratio of 0.1 across all my files
Well let me tell you there is this one guy that I enjoy pvp’ing with, and that’s only because he’s friendly and we’re on around the same skill level