Operation: Better wiki

Fandom legally owns the fucking wiki according to it’s guidelines. The AO Wiki editors, quite literally, do not have a stake in the matter. This is the equivalent of McDonald’s workers starting random-ass beef with the Popeyes next door because it’s “our territory”
You don’t even own the McDonald’s brother, shut the fuck up.

Both wikis are, in essence, volunteer projects. No one is getting paid for labor. These are fan works meant to catalog information about the game. Not even the other guy was stupid enough to say that they had an imaginary stake in something someone else was doing because they do something similar.

I am literally using common fucking sense and basic deductive reasoning in order to explain a basic fucking concept to you. Just because you created something does not fucking mean that any fucking Arcane Odyssey wiki unrelated to the fandom wiki has to answer to you. You are not some noble lord which we the peasantry have to answer to when asked, you’re just some random fucking guy on the internet who, because he volunteered for a fan project, believes he has the ultimate fucking say over any other similar fan projects.

They’ve made their decision to learn JavaScript so that they may have the ability to operate a website dedicated to storing information and informing others. Advertising anything at all does not have anything to do with the wiki. It is a non-profit fan project and will remain non-profit until the end of time as they (since they are normal fucking people) slowly, but steadily, work on creating and fleshing out the wiki. It is a passion-driven fan project. You speak as if learning and writing code on the side and writing words on a wiki would be equivalent to a 9-5.

Therefore you should stop talking. This bait is foul and inedible, so stop throwing it.

im on radical conservatives because misinformation is funny

(but i actually think the miraheze is better, i’m just being on this side for shits and giggles)

To be quite frank it is against wiki guidelines to create a second wiki on the same topic especially when the current one is more than sufficient. Besides the wiki is fine just doesn’t have enough editors and if yall would spend some of that time dissing the wiki actually improving it maybe the lack of information would be solved by now. Thats my two cents peace.

thats like
great and all but dont the fandom policies not extend to other websites for making wikis??

most pages are outdated

like the new bronze sea map is not added

also a bunch of unneeded pages like Torren (hes retconned… why is there a page on him anyways on THERE especially. like i would get it if it was on idfk the AA/AR wiki but like?? for what on the AO wiki
and also him being the kingslayer is purely hypothetical unless vetex and/or tech have said otherwise) and the Unknowns (this even if it was retconned could’ve just stayed on the AA/AR wiki) and etc…

Alright I read like 100 posts on this thread and 100 on the other but got tired of the derailing so let me know if anything relevant happened in the last 200 posts

I am willing to help this project as an excuse to play the game again because I’ve been trying to find one.

I can do graphic design and data collection, and I got no problems with learning a bit of code for this if we do end up making it

Okay? Fandom owns the company and wiki so what? Are they the ones maintaining the wiki? Your analogy doesn’t even make sense, yes if I was a McDonalds worker and if another restaurant popped up and started tanking our sales and profits that would mean layoffs could possibly be coming and thus affecting job security, I would care and thus I would have a stake. None of what you said remotely makes any sense, AO Wiki editors want as much visitors to their site as possible, if there is a threat to it no matter how small, then we have a stake in it? Please go learn stakeholder basics before yapping here. And yes, the creator of this project ALSO has a stake in how well the AO Wiki does. If the AO Wiki collapses one day and gets deleted, guess what? Everyone from the AO Wiki will migrate to your new wiki, so we both have a stake in each others existence and in how well each other performs, I think a monkey could understand that.

The rest of your yapping session indicates I somehow said everyone should listen to me like a noble and I don’t see that anywhere in the message I said. Where exactly did I say everyone should listen to me? What did I even demand they should do? All I see is a cesspool of hatred and yapping about non-existent points I have not made, claiming I have the “ultimate fucking say over any other similar fan project” when I didn’t tell anyone to do anything :rofl: Please if you’re going to respond to this, make sure you indicate where I implied this.

This point is literally irrelevant to the conversation but you for some reason brought it up so yes I’ll respond, advertising is important. You quite literally advertised the existence of your wiki here, and I’m sure you will again when the wiki is complete, if it ever is. I don’t know if you were dumb enough to think I meant advertising in the literal business sense, cause I didn’t. All I meant was letting people know your wiki exists, which you will do at some point or else no matter how grand your wiki is, you’ll have a total visitor count of 0 and your wiki will not be SEO, which is essentially a waste of your work. But again, you nit picked this point which is completely irrelevant to the convo at large anyway, so I doubt you’d understand anything anyway.

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This wiki war shit is getting out of hand

can yall stop yapping i dobut the miraze wiki will work out
isnt there like a rule they made about no roblox games as a miraheze wiki?

okay, i have a better idea for that (you prob already had something like this):

spend 6 months learning how to use miraheze and creating basic pages
if fandom is still garbage in 6 months, make a new miraheze wiki with gifs and allat

no, thats wiki.gg (which would be much better than miraheze unfortunately)

combat initiation is a roblox game that has a wiki

have fun transferring over 1.3k+ pages worth of information

brother its only been slightly over one week since the update give us a break we only have a team of around 5 consistent editors and most are focused on getting items rn.

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have you considered that it’s not necessarily the fault of the wiki editors, but the fact that fandom is hot garbage?

it does not take a week or over to unlock the entire map with the new islands
the secrets would obviously take longer but like lets be honest who actually willing finds out secrets apart from ____ sea explorers??
like i get the items and all but i was talking about the map…

anyways the freedrock and torren pages have been there for a long ass time so theres not really an excuse for that

They do have pictures for the makrinaos secrets though

… so whats the holdup for them not updating the maps :sob:

Yeah that was plan since we’re doing it on full release.

Sounds like a nice project, if Miraheze uses mediawiki or html for editing I might edit occasionally

mb i misunderstood

I ain’t reading 319 posts of what is probably arguing but yeah I’ll help out