Operation: Better wiki

hyperspace wise dodged me once… :frpensive:

I mean the hardest part is getting the ball rolling, once we have a wiki with some basic pages and moderation, it should pan out from there

Well, let’s see how a community that isn’t motivated to make a wiki does with replicating an entire era of content “but better”.

In the meantime, gimme some pages to fix, who’s got anything?

Then do 1v1, armorless, Bo5, small arena

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rare time i agree with soifon?

Either way, we should probably give ourselves time to prepare and maybe pre write some pages of the wiki before actually creating it, although this is up to soifon

Lol I was hoping for this thread to be somewhat productive but it just kinda became a slap fight. Maybe let’s refocus a bit.

Well since I’m the leader I guess I say we should actually learn the software (miraheze) before we get started doing stuff.


i’m gonna be honest, i don’t think most of these folks know html

I’m pretty sure they have a sandbox wiki we can mess around with? I might be mistaken

Let’s think of it this way:

We’ll give the fandom wiki time to clean up their act while we’re learning how to make a wiki.

If they do then good on them and we don’t have to make it.

If they don’t then that’s when we make the new one and we’ll all have fun managing a wiki.


Alright, what should the deadline be

October 15th? Ten days seems fair considering how active the members are

Yeah that’s a major hurdle we’ll have to go through.

Keep in mind it’s also a deadline for us to learn miraheze

I say it should be when full release comes out.

I have a vague understanding of coding, but the good news is my dads a senior programmer at an advertising agency so he has a ton of books on programming

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Hmm, what about 2 deadlines

One for if we are deciding to make the wiki or not, and another for actually making it. Sure fandom can clean up their act temporarily, but will it last?

Yeah that’s fine too.

If full release comes and they still didn’t fix the wiki then that’s when we do the thing.

Vetex said full release isn’t coming until like December or something.