Operation: Better wiki

do they know?

7-8 months iirc

What would even be considered good enough for the Fandom to pass? Maybe spend a day or so going through and making a list. Some of it can be time consuming, especially with pictures and gifs, but if the deadline is full release then there are no excuses lol

Oh god if the fandom wiki still doesn’t fix after 7 months then that’s how we know it should be replaced.

truth be told personally i wouldnt use the fandom wiki even if it was perfect, just due to it being fandom

though in my eyes, it would need:
not having placeholder images/gifs EVERYWHERE
less speculation or pages about future things
more accurate information
and for all these to be properly maintained, without falling behind (as it seems they do)

I feel like the main areas of issue are and have been
1 Neglecting to complete old pages, there’s absolutely a metal mage somewhere willing to show off their spells to complete a gallery, nobody cares enough to do it though

2 Overspeculation of future pages. Half a wiki page shouldn’t be devoted to a pet theory someone has about aether magic, say what you know. There’s no need to get overcomplicated about a magic that so far, we know
1 Inflicts charred
2. Is described as “explosive light”
3. Is a lost magic
4. Is weilded by calvus.

I think Miraheze has more editing restrictions but I dunno
Also the wiki is too big to salvage so it’s better to press that restart button

Better mods, a bit more restriction to prevent vandalism, but most importantly

miraheze isn’t profit focused

ok,what happened?

Personally my main gripe is that there isn’t much homogeny with the pages. Like one weapon page’s table would be formatted in one way, another would have a different way. People are making tables manually instead of using the Auto tables.

I think a major reason there isn’t a lot of footage of certain magics is that the main AO community cannot record a clean GIF and add it to the wiki. It’s not exactly hard to upload things, but to someone that doesn’t know how, they might just not bother trying.

We got it together, and are working on when how, and if* we will make it

*if as in if fandom doesn’t get their shit together

In regards to the full release update I remember Vetex saying he was going to revamp the whole game so we might have to give them time to add that stuff in.

Then if they fail that we do the plan.

Whatever, just give the word and I’ll assist in making the wiki

Also, a major update just happened very recently, so the wiki is fairly outdated. It should settle in a few months even without dedicated work.

I mainly mean stat changes ofc, some stuff not being updated by now is crazy.

The wiki’s been like this since before empires

Constantly being bloated by theory’s and misinformation, ignoring old pages that actually need editing

Id say we take the time to learn programming the thing in and stuff.

And we should also inform the fandom wiki about it. Unless Stocksounds was scared by this proposal and does it for us.

Oh hi rb1

i am not going to learn how to do miraheze, i don’t have time, and i just wanted to be someone who catches missinfo in the wiki. could i help fix the fandom wiki, and then be the missinfo catcher once yall get it together

I don’t fear your victory, I fear your lack of reason.