Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic

Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic
effort 2.833333333333333 12 quality 3.2 10 reasonability 3.0 19

What about the argument that I have been pushing for, that it gives a purpose greater than a number to hunt someone down? you get to temporarily make the seas safer for everyone, which gives some purpose to actually hunting someone down rather than getting a number up.

Yes, heroes who value renown above actually doing anything good for the server exist, thought that doesn’t justify the complete removal of the point of hunting for any other purpose.

Taking away others people’s fun is an unfortunate aspect of this, and in current form it’s overkill, but to remove jails would be to remove the whole aspect of bring safety to anyone.

Don’t know from where you pulled this from, thought my argument in current form is bullet proof unless you fundamentally dislike the aspect of heroes seeking safety for anyone.

Nothing about it because its a fucking delusion.
It does not exist.

alternatively if you NEED to be sure that the villain doesnt kill anyone for that 10 minutes, what about making arrests based on notoriety instead of bounty?

in an ideal world where dynamic npcs werent an issue, threats could be brought back and arrests could be based off notoriety instead of renown, itd make sense for the navy to chase you and try to arrest you and it means that villains actually have to do something to warrant being jailed, gives the timer a purpose (giving time for towns to respawn), and changes you relentlessly killing some level 90 assassin with no notoriety and 1k bounty under the guise of “making the game safe”

of course theres no way this happens but surely this is a way better solution that ACTUALLY keeps the game more safe

See this message.

AC as a game earns so much from people being able to make others safer, I don’t think of AC like real life, I just wish for such a fun aspect of it to not be nuked by people who have been brutalized by a system too harsh.

Bullet proof you say?

2 holes.

3 holes.

Now this guy HAS to be trolling!
Another hole in your bullet proof argument. I really want to know what your “bullet proof argument” is made out of.

6 different holes in total.
Everyone give up, this guy will ignore everything.


Is it possible that this thread could get closed? I get that it’s a discussion and all, but this is just fricking ridiculous.

i need to retain my sanity can we do that

You don’t get to be sane.

I don’t see what “holes” you believe exist, thought I do notice that you are trying to mock me and make others ignore me over that I am trying to preserve a crucial part of the game for many people.
Can you instead clarify what you mean instead of making ambiguous claims that my argument is flawed?
Honestly, I feel more like I’m arguing with a revolutionary more than someone actually trying to give a suggestion to improve the game at this point.

you’re hopeless.

as much as id like my suggestions on how id revamp it to be seen it probably should since most this thread is just uncivilized arguing between 2 points with no minds changing, just spam at that point

I don’t think it should be closed as I think some actual thoughtful discussion could exist here (maybe I am a bit optimistic), but I do think that the arguing here should stop. They’ve just been going in circles and repeating the exact same things while some more people get sucked in. At least some people are realizing how much time they’ve spent on this thread :skull_and_crossbones:

Man this thing is still going?

I’m all for archiving perspectives and all… But this is getting ridiculous by this point.

I personally don’t see the multiple ketches and majors ever happening to me even when i reached the 5 star 60k bounty category after stopping npc executions that happened to be there. At most i saw one major and had to fiddle around him because my gear and weps were under leveled and extremely basic that any pve situation was a miracle to survive almost.

This is probably me not gaining 5 star notoriety and being a 100k+ renown sweat but all of that just screams bug/unintended consequence.

The 10 minute jail timer is an afterthought and a bit silly to overly complain over tbh. I’m more focused on how i died than the practically unnoticeable 10 minute timeout box since 10 minutes is almost nothing and goes by relatively quick. I can see however that it can be annoying to be released to then immediately go back to the time out box 2-3 times in a row. Wom taught us that more than anything.

But i have to ask, do you guys actually unironically sit there looking into the cell doing nothing…? No getting up and walking around to get a drink/eat after staring at the screen for the past 4-6 hours again? Getting up to do basic everyday and mid to long term goals outside of gaming within those 10 minutes? Watching a quick video of something funny that you’ve been planning to watch or were already watching in the background anyways?

I feel like the 10 minute timer can be rather easily glossed over with some annoyance depending on circumstances and easily be toned down to 5 minutes or instant execution if you want. The jail system feels more of a chill the hell out box and only is an issue given other features like notoriety, the bad renown condition/experience , galleon costs, AO being early access and not having features we’d be mostly focusing on rather than actual players, etc.

So rather than focus on one mechanic and dumping it as the sole problem and ignoring the systemic issues at hand. (A very funny dark parallel to irl huh? ;-; ) Which may marginally fix the bad renown condition or not affect much of anything at all. Why don’t we all just prop together and look at the renown system and tying mechanics as a whole like the now 1.13 balancing doc and go from there?

Isn’t this what the Suggester Role/Suggestion Section really supposed to bring about?


now have that happen 70 times

also pretty sure you just got super lucky with the ketches, stopped playing bounty after i fought 7 majors in a row (i was counting)

have you considered that it completely breaks the flow of the game and serves literally no purpose other than wasting the player’s time?
In a game that strives to have fast combat and movement, going from that to literally being unable to sprint in a tiny box for 10 minutes is jarring.

Thanks but I joined the game to play it.


Forcing players to “chill out” via concrete box is an awful idea???
I take breaks from the game regularly when I want to.

I didn’t join the game to sit in a box.

I’m down for that, however the jail system its self, in my experience, is the biggest problem and annoyance of negative rep gameplay.
That’s not to say there aren’t other massive glaring issues, but that’s the biggest and most annoying one, so its the one I want rid of first.
Its also the one with the most simple solution! Its a mechanic with literally 0 redeeming qualities!
Surely nobody will defend it with their life when I suggest to remove it!!!

Unlucky ig.

I still look at it as being very unlucky but im down for some experimenting. Regardless of either one’s luck, it really shouldn’t come to that and should go for more of a heat system like in the Just Cause series that someone brought up and other similar things.

First i’ll probably go on my Syndicate file rq and tmr and stop some npc executions, attack gravy, merchant, bronze, etc. whatever gives notoriety. Get it to 5 stars again, bump it up to the maximum pay off price and then see how the hunting system will play out.

Last time i had 5 stars and it cost me 1051 galleons and only 1 ketch went after me which may had a major and captains idr.

I’ll check out and vibe on that for the coming week if i remotely have time since life is proving to make me have a major turning point because yes.

For the Jail system, i’m not really in the mood of talking about it any furthur for now, whether it’s still there and reworked which would be the more interesting route, or the ‘boring’ removal of features/mechanics.

Almost making me feel like we should just yeet the entire renown system as we have it by this point entirely and rework it or give the same delete treatment shrug.

common and understandable misconception about notoriety.
It, as far as I can tell, never stops building up.
5 stars is a lie.

Yeah i can see and get that but im saying it for simplicity sake.
Well thats a bit inconvenient. Theres him and then another 300k renown Gravy member. O well it is what it is.

Fire + Pois = not very good time.

I’ve just seen alot of people here think that it caps out.
Misinformation sucks.