Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic

Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic
effort 2.833333333333333 12 quality 3.2 10 reasonability 3.0 19

the only thing i can see good in gay baby jail time is that you can have your friends/clan members to raid silverhold to rescue you, but if you dont have friends you gonna be stuck in jail for 10 minutes for no reason and arcane oddysey map is really big too which makes this really hard depending of where your friends are, you are also FORCED to stay ingame during the jail time(you can go afk and watch youtube or something like that tho)

avoid? but they’re still gonna get locked up in the end aren’t they? i dunno revamping the jail to be less boring seems like a better option to me

can i just say this is a game lol people are trying to get a higher number

Dealing with the navy’s bullshit is punishment.

Oh your pity system from earlier.
It doesn’t help.

what the fuck is wrong with you.
this is A GAME.
GAMES are supposed to be FUN for EVERYBODY involved.
If you aren’t playing a game to have fun, then what are you doing?

I can’t spell it out any more clearly.

yeah i think ur getting a little angry here but i see what ur trying to say
basically, doing nothing is bad game design. :+1:

I don’t give a rats hairy ass if it’s supposed to be “punished for being evil” you can do other stuff than encourage ur players to not play for up to 13 minutes. It’s a fucking videogame, it doesn’t NEED TO BE PRISON :sob:

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no I’m not angry, I just have to emphasize things with this man.
he keeps going on about justice, morals, and mAkInG tHe WaR sEaS a SaFeR pLaCe

bro thinks he lives in the arcane universe :laughing:



Anyone who says that this should be kept in is incredibly stupid. If you don’t have a villain file then you don’t get a say in the matter. Getting arrested for 10 minutes, losing 600 galleons, and then dying again because the Gravy sent another 3 major after your ass so you get to repeat this all over again is fucking stupid. I literally donated almost a million bounty because I couldn’t deal with the fucking lag it caused. Never touching another bounty file again.


I’m glad some people with what I thought was common sense have been showing up.
I really appreciate the support in getting rid of this godawful useless mechanic that serves nobody and makes the game strictly worse for the people who have to deal with it.

The current experience with the jail is that people have is that they get brutalized by it, it’s clear that in it’s current way it’s flawed and the 10 minute punishment should be reserved for the absolute worst of the worst.
Making the jail more fun might negate some of the negative feelings people have towards it, thought I don’t think it would be sufficient to solve the whole issue.

Yes, I am entirely fine with players playing the game to get a higher number.

The jail and bounty loss is the punishment, you can entirely dodge the “notoriety punishment” by simply being arrested.

Yes, of course, so tell me how is a wanted criminal who finally gets arrested after having been causing chaos for 25 hours, killing an unbelievable amount of players being arrested for 10 minutes an issue?

The fun part is for the player who went out of their way to defeat this menace now knows that for a short while they’ve made the seas safer for everyone, it makes it possible for people to actually help each other out, not only people chasing after a large number.
That is a good mechanic, it drives people to do good and to take risks to actually make the seas safer, that is fun, that is an experience that you can rarely find in any title and I’m surprised that Ac managed to pull it off so good.

Please state why, if you have any other reason than that it helps slightly solves the problem you are trying to justify removing a critical aspect of the game for.

?? This issue is relating to a player going out of their way to make the seas safer? Isn’t it cool that in the game people are able to do that, to hunt down someone’s who’s been evil and have the server temporarily safe from them?
This makes the game fun, as it actually gives some meaning other than a number to hunting someone.
I don’t think that I live in the arcane universe, I think that removing this issue would drive away those actually looking for a game where good is more than a number, not significantly more, but slightly more.

Alright, let’s imagine that your suggestion goes through, what do you think that you’d accomplish?
You’d drive away anyone who seeks a game where being good can mean more than getting a number up, basically leaving it as any of these other odyssey games.
And since you think the issue lies with emphasizing, let me try to put this conversation in perspective.

You have been absolutely brutalized by the current flawed jail system, which is why I try to offer solutions to the problem, but you keep insisting that the only solution is the absolute removal of it, I keep pointing out that it would reduce the point of bounty hunting from making the seas safer to simply getting your number up, killing a large chunk of the player base by outright reducing the virtual pursuit of justice or safety to nothing.

The jail system is flawed, but it’s outright removal would harm AC way more than actually changing it to be a good system, if you keep putting your head further up your ass on the issue then how are we ever going to figure out what is the ideal thing to do to actually solve it?

This as well is a great case for why change to the the game in it’s current form is necessary, thought it doesn’t justify the absolute and total removal of the jails for the reasons I’ve outlined above.

Nobody. Cares. About. Making. Anything. Safer.
How. Clearly. Do. I. Have. To. Spell. This. Out.

You are the ONLY person with this delusion.

the point of the 10 minute jail time is to count down before execution so people can come over. thats what i think it is at least i could be wrong
making it fun could absolutely solve the 10 minute issue. would attempting to break out before being caught or having your crew break you out and having to put some more renown at risk not be cool? maybe it could get old and boring i dunno

ok cool glad we can come to an understanding here

thats… not a dodge?

i will be honest i have no idea what you’re trying to say here

im joking chill

It obliterates the fun for the “WaNtEd CrImInAl”

Why? You aren’t going to listen.

You could fool me.

Wouldn’t have a time out box ingame, that’d be pretty great.

Already explained why the entire concept is bad.
Every single “”“negative”“” you’ve “”“pointed out”“” is rooted SOLELY in your delusion that people care in the SLIGHTEST about “making the war seas safe”

listen, as a suggestions main

but reading through this is just fucking hilarious
im not throwing my hat in the ring, i’ll just eat popcorn on the sidelines
thanks, i’ve never even played negative rep.

Alright, so I read the entire comment, but I’ll leave the rest of it be. There’s a problem with this mentality some criminals can probably get away with not getting arrested for 25+ hours, but most can’t. Hell I can usually only get 1 or 2, and I have almost 200 hours logged on one save and that time is notable to me. The fact of the matter is that more often then not you are either inexperienced or not quite ready for the sheer stupidity of the navy. You will get arrested, and it will happen more than once or twice in a normal play session. It is not an inconvenience it is completely stupid.

With that being said, I don’t think it should be removed. I think that a few ways to get out of jail with varying methods could be interesting. (I don’t wanna hear it theoreticalexistance I know you dislike them) But as it stands the system is flawed.

go for it man its pretty funny
but also do give negative rep a try one day you’ll realise why some people are saying some things

i’m pretty sure it’d give me a mental breakdown considering
i’m already sick of being hunted by just players

heroes can do this exact same thing too? the only difference is that they destroy whitesummit instead of silverhold and cant kill navy players (which honestly just stops them from keeping the server “safe” in your words)

heroes can still rk, bounty hunt, and assassinate, sure theyll lose a few hundred fame but as youve said this whole thread that “isnt enough of a punishment”

youve made this argument multiple times this thread and it makes it seem that your issue isnt with villains but with pvp

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haha yeah if you’re having problems being hunted as a positive rep player, where id say maybe 20% of people are negative rep and can hunt you, think about that 100% that can now hunt you because both negative and positive rep can hunt you, not to mention you can barely fix your ship and the gravy are out for your ass if you havent paid off your notoriety!

and at the end of all this we land at this suggestion: jail time. every time you cant kill those lvl 180 gravy npcs or you get hunted.

yeah give it a try :laughing: