Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic

Player Jail Times Should Be Scrapped As A Mechanic
effort 2.833333333333333 12 quality 3.2 10 reasonability 3.0 19

but uhh you can’t actually expect to enact some extreme mad villainy and not get punished

Jail time should either be lowered or have something cool you can do inside of jail instead

bragging rights? give it to titles

I’ve just been seeing people in this suggestion either saying:
“No its not a problem” (never played a criminal file)
“The system can be fixed” (lying)
“LOREEEEEE” (not a reason to impact gameplay)

there no point to fame and bounty just remove it

Also, I have played as a villain, but then I scrapped it like two days later because it’s pretty annoying

I quit being a villain ages ago.
It sucks, there’s 0 redeeming features.

advantages are great your right on that point

but you’re also skipping the advantages of good players

evil players has advantages AND disadvantages
good players ONLY has advantages

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Well if there’s one you can rk everyone you see as a villain lol, though I’ve had too many messages that berate me for it in-game so… yeah.

You can do that as a hero too.
It does not stop them.

what advantages lol.

can confirm, I do whatever the hell I want and I’m a good rep


for one you don’t have all of the disadvantages of evil players

Hmm maybe Villains should get more comfortable options like a secret fast-travel for villains only or maybe A BLACK MARKET?! in turn you will have more enemies or something because you know villains are rare and fame people are hungry for them

In short villain specials no fame people allowed or something forgot the word for it

Thinking about it more comfortable options for said villains is a must because these guys are supposed to be like lone wolves big baddies but not much of a talker or friendly people more like war mongers so its not weird for them to have underground connections to make hunting and pvping easier as well as other stuff

It’s not even fun to be a villain, unlike in WoM where being a villain was a BLAST. Now, you might as well be a hero since a hero can do anything a villain can do, except this time they don’t get punished for it.

I said what advantages do negative rep players have.

HOLD UP… let him cook.

there aren’t any, like seriously there aren’t

I wasn’t talking to you!!!!!!
other guy said negative rep had advantages, I wanna know what he’s talking about.

Have you ever just gotten executed or payed to remove noteriety