Poison Rebalance

aren’t poison and ash clouds the exact same?

ash is bigger by default
ash clouds also don’t combust like poison clouds

essentially its poison clouds but better

Yes, but I mean as magics in general when considering the meta.

Basically: which is better

Because it’s just worse than Poison

Also idk why you brought Acid into the conversation with me, I’m not an Acid user

Oh my, I don’t know if acid got nerfed badly in this guild update or not but it’s one of the better magic due to one single fact; it doesn’t get rid of bleed (allowing for multiple procs of buffed damage). But regardless comparing Acid to Poison is not a very good comparison as acid is more on par with magma (which it overshadows severely). Poison does not need outright damage or impact buff rather have a more powerful poison attack overpower a weaker poison DoT. It’s crippling when you hit a weak spell only to cripple your damage for 20 seconds.

I was comparing the acid puddles/poison clouds

ash has higher impact damage i guess?

That was me doing a double whammy, responding to both you and the person you replied to. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

I was comparing acid and poison because functionally they are very similar, in order to show how much functionally weaker poison is in comparison to other magic rn

I mean, sure, but that gets healed off quickly, whereas Poison has a much greater total damage that prevents their health from going up for an entire 20 seconds. You can heal off the Ash damage easily

And I was comparing it to Ash, which suffers from everything Poison does, but way worse. (except, maybe, magic interactions. but as you said, if it’s not viable as a standalone magic then that’s not a valid point. Plus Petrify is easy to get out of)

Ah, I don’t really like that comparison, they are both two different magics with individual strengths. I would focus more on Ash vs. Poison.

what world are you living in when 50 extra damage for each attack barely does shit? that’s literally the same thing as having 50 extra power lmao. add that 50 extra damage onto your initial blast and suddenly you’re doing way more impact damage than acid, AND you still have the dot which is pretty much the same as acids

buff ash then I guess? idk. im confused why we’re talking about ash to begin with

You must also take time into account as well as the fact that it cannot be over ridden. You hit the enemy with a 70 damage placed explosion? Have fun with the 2-3 ticking damage for the next 20 seconds without being able to overide it.

Well, talking to Dragon, he defends Poison as being “a weak Ash” which just isn’t true at all, and I’m saying if you’re going to buff Poison any, Ash deserves it far more

every dot magic suffers from that, not just poison. and i mean just don’t start the fight with a low damaging attack? :fr:

fr. buff ash instead, poison is fine as is.

My point entirely.

thats the dot alone
every subsequent hit would do more than poison as well
almost everyone has power builds and do more than that in base, which means that “50” damage is inflated far more in terms of actual damage
additionally, this means that even including dot,
acid does more even including that nullified DOT with it’s higher base damage

that ain’t balanced pal

I swear ash melts me with its clouds sometimes. Also Mimhere, the problem is that it’s for 20 seconds, which is a lot.

Poison does that too, in addition to its ridiculous DoT. Hence Ash just being worse.