Poison Rebalance

yea so just start the fight with a hard hitting attack

It DoT is counteracted by having the lowest impact damage in the game. Also due to the bigger clouds ash often gets 2-3 ticks into. (I still think both are bad.)

The DoT works to invalidate healing, meaning you can get them to lower health with a longer opportunity to keep them there, as opposed to Ash which has its impact healed off easily because it just doesn’t have a high enough impact damage to make up for it. You’d need to be putting on constant pressure for it to matter, unlike Poison. And 2-3 ticks compared to 1-2 is a laughable compromise when considering the above. :fr:

Yes, ash is meant for constant pressure, and poison is meant for elongated fights. With its higher impact damage ash gets a lot more from putting pressure than poison does. (Ash could do with an impact damage buff still)

he means ash needs constant ceaseless pressure to be viable
poison isn’t good for “elongated” fights if almost everything is arguably better than it
as even if it cancels regen, and thats only if you hit with a small high damage blast,
other magic will still do way more damage over that 20s period

Too bad Ash sucks at applying said pressure with it’s low impact damage and slow speed.

If you want pressure magics then you won’t be choosing Ash anyway

Better than it how? For elongated fights? Nothing is.

Like has been said, Poison is meant to play the long game. 20 seconds in a battle is long, but a 20 second battle is not. Chances are you’ll have a higher bar than theirs by the time the effect of your DoT stops

Oh .-. , I am unaware of ashes speed, but I presumed that ash players played around placed explosions? But yeah, ash is meant to be a pressuring magic, hence why I agree with you that it needs a buff.

lets say you hit someone and cancel their regen
boom, great
now, you got 20 seconds of 0.75x impact damage while everything else has more than you
and they still have all their benefits and advantages,
such as light having 1.7x speed yet doing the same impact as poison.

poison clouds bro? they exist, and they buff your damage heavily since they’re unavoidable.

You undervalue being able to get rid of someone’s regen.


@Mimhere the damage from clouds is almost nothing,
you’ll get 3 ticks tops

@DeleterFetus wom fights are fast-paced, its usually whoever just spams weapon skills and projectiles more
regen isn’t a signifigant factor unless fighting tank builds

Uhm . . . I don’t think anyone agrees with that. In fact, there are numerous posts complaining of the opposite.

Poison is faster than a good amount of magics, so . . . not really as much of a problem if you play smart

Yes, but that’s an additional 40+ damage every attack. Which is why I believe that ash is a preasure magic.

3 ticks is 57 damage, how is that nothing for a single attack? when I was using poison I was doing 120 damage with a 100% sized blast, 3 ticks would make that 177 damage. which is 42 more damage than I do with acid

again, tops,
half the time they barely take 1 tick
the damage from clouds isn’t supported by the disparity in impact damage

acid has puddles, and even if you don’t do as much damage with them overall as poison, you could still easily get a few ticks in, people aren’t always in the air

You know what is?

1x DoT

This is even more true for Poison, then. Idk why you say this like it makes Poison clouds worse than Acid puddles

if you mean the dot, the dot is only the value of one projectile over 20 seconds
which means, you just get a technical extra projectile in at the cost of 0.75x impact damage
over 20 seconds
and if anyone can’t get a single hit in within 20 seconds to make up for that to begin with, they just bad

as far as the clouds, people are more mobile in the air
even if you hit someone with a cloud, they’ll typically fall out or jump out around the time you manage to hit them

@liu @Dragon

Can we just agree that maybe both need some sort of buff?

still more than any other magic by a bit

This whole thing contradicts itself. You’re not gonna be making clouds if you don’t hit them in the air (unless beam, which will be out of the way anyway). And being in the air completely negates concern for puddles, so you’ve already an advantage.

I like to argue, so this is fun. But anyway, not until he admits Ash is objectively worse than Poison and more deserving of a buff than Poison is. Or until he gets bored and stops responding.