Poison Rebalance

Yeah I like arguing too but between both you guys that’s like 50 replies

just did some testing with a level 90 blast at 100% size with no power

acid does 95 impact damage, and the dot does 40 over 10 seconds.
poison does 81 impact damage, and the dot does 80 over 20 seconds.

the difference is that the poison cloud was actually hitting and doing damage, which always made poison essentially have 100 impact damage. that never happened with acid puddles since they’re easily avoidable.
they seem pretty balanced to me…

Worth it to prove a point since nobody’s getting hurt

but, the cd and duration for acid dot is half as long
meaning, in 11 seconds, you could proc acid dot again
poison doesn’t have that opportunity in addition to lower impact

poison and acid clouds are still both easily avoidable
not to mention, multiple magic destroy poison clouds entirely, or even change the damage owner
acid puddles are far more consistent
and still do similar damage even if marginally easier to dodge

yes but poisons dot lasts twice as long and does double the damage, which makes it exactly the same. i don’t get ur point here…

bro poison clouds are not easily avoidable. if you directly hit someone they WILL take at least 1 tick of poison damage no matter their magic or build. acid only does that if they’re on the ground.

and yes they do the same damage but that’s irrelevant since nobody ever gets hit by acid puddles yet everyone gets hit by poison clouds

acid dot is 50% of the impact damage
acid impact damage is higher than poison
if you do 50% twice, on an already higher impact damage than poison
thats way more than the 100% that poison does in 20 seconds

as a 120+ hour poison mage, clouds don’t hit shit

bro im gonna go up to a random guy rn and rk him to prove to you that poison clouds do hit

And easier to see/avoid (unlike clouds which have janky hitboxes to many)

They’re completely invalidated by being in the air, along with being easy enough to see the start/end of the puddle to avoid/walk around. You can just T jump / magic jump over puddles for zero tick, whereas clouds guarantee at least one or has a higher resource cost to avoid due to its vertical hitbox. You also seem to forget that, along with having an entire other plane with which to hurt players in, Poison is bigger than Acid

poison clouds, are also easy to see and avoid
its almost like they’re a giant mass of thick dark purple or red gas or something
no one in their right fucking mind would just jump over a cloud for the sake of it,
they’d just go around or destroy the cloud

bro it’s like you’ve never used poison

the cloud appears wherever an attack lands. if you directly hit someone a cloud appears on them, which is unavoidable. they WILL take at least 1 tick of poison cloud damage before exiting the cloud.

The start/end is hard for many to see and provide more area denial than puddles do because Y-axis and being bigger than the hitbox scares people

But you can for Acid puddles, so that still makes them worse than Poison clouds

Not all magics can do that

anyone could could go around a cloud or avoid it
one cloud tick literally only does like 19 damage, which isn’t boosted by power or directly by level
but yes I do agree it still gives more area denial, acid can cover very wide areas with puddles whilst its difficult to raise the size of clouds

Equally true of puddles. If not, more so because it doesn’t affect the y-axis at all

Better than having zero ticks because you just straight up don’t have to worry about a hazard that only sits on the ground

Poison is bigger, so it straight-up will always have a larger denial anyway. If you find it hard to raise clouds, then hit in a different area to increase your horizontal denial. You can do that better than Acid tenfold.

acid first of all, regardless of attack size, can create large puddles immediately
even with acid projectiles, they’ll splatter smaller acid puddles around as well
the explosions also create a wider puddle than poison cloud size immediately
thus far larger surface area denial

to fuel a poison cloud, you need to repeatedly pump attacks into it,
and doing so would still be irrelevant in combat

given that most players fight in the air, they’ll be limited when they run out of jumps/stamina

the actual area poison clouds can cover is relatively low, even if technically boasting y axis

The puddles from droplets are tiny and easily avoidable

Again, if you want to focus horizontal denial, don’t hit the same cloud, but around it.

Clouds will provide more ticks in that case, since their hitbox reaches them before a puddle’s would

Still more often guarantees a tick than Acid puddles do when the latter is entirely on the ground

Acid gives more horizontal area denial, meaning when people run out of jumps/stamina, acid gets more out of it, not poison

a single tick is completely invalided by it being 19 damage and is completely unaffected by any multipliers
even glass cannons have over 600 hp now

actually that’s another solution, power increasing damage of clouds

Given how limited horizontal movement in the air is, you can easily beam the spot they’re to hit beforehand and make a cloud that’ll get you more ticks than a puddle would. It’s not like they’re going to be aiming to land in puddles anyway, so in either case you’re probably going to have to apply the hazard instead of them just happening to land in one. In which case Poison is better because, again, the tick damage begins sooner than it would with Acid.

Okay, but this is applies to Acid puddles as well

My guy, I’ve suggested this before, but to no avail

however, beaming the spot they’ll land is useless due to the clouds not doing shit
even a single blast would merit the damage of 6+ ticks, even with poison’s low impact dmg
even if you do that, they’ll be ready to move out quickly as they won’t be trapped in endlag

if you suggested that before I missed it, mb

Neither do puddles, but aight

The point isn’t tick damage for blast damage, I’m comparing the utility of the hazards

True of Acid too, which again is easier to avoid

'tis oke, was a while ago

edited in more potential solutions and cleaned up some stuff in the original post