Post your mutation ideas here!

Also Cloud. P. S. How did I only just find out about Promethean fire getting retconned?

no darkness is a shadowy energy that has a green/red aura depending on variant

Thought so but obviously things change a lot in the AO planscape so I just thought Iā€™d make sure there hasnā€™t been another retcon

what would wood magic mutate into?

maybe some sort of vine magic

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probably healing

that would be sick i always wished wood had green in it

vine magic would also fit well for a pan spirit weapon (dropped from satyrs), where it would inflict a sort of ā€œrootedā€ effect that reduces agility effect but only when youā€™re on the ground. in exchange the magicā€™s slowing effect is more powerful than other sources

gas magic.
used by adoll healer

Adolfo hilton

Oh yeah, now that I think about it, Arthur had the Energy curse, so that might end up being a magic after all

paper magic comeback :nod:


sounds right yeah

That was fast, this is a great chart. Also, genesis zero box :skull: I havenā€™t seen that name in years

Energy was an experimental curse tho

I could see them retconning the name if they do add it

im unironically BEGGING for a plant/nature magic, earth/wood is as close as we got rn

Oh yeah, I donā€™t realize that. I hope they donā€™t, it seems like a good all-rounder mutation to all the heat magics so that some of the less thought out heat magics get access to more mutations

Randalā€™s growth curse could be a magic possibly. Seeing that he is a tree now, I could see it happening.

what about Aurora Magic chat its basically just the northern lights except magic form


is there a source for the energy curse being an experimental curse? Iā€™ve searched the discord (including the patreon chat), the forums, and the trellos, and I canā€™t find anything from vetex or tech indicating that