Post your mutation ideas here!

The energy curse is what let cursebeard be immune to the absorption curse, it gives him infinite energy of all types (so he doesn’t need to eat or sleep, and has infinite magic energy)

Yeah but none of that really indicates that the energy curse was experimental instead of elemental. Elemental curses can have uses beyond just using and turning into their element, as shown by Randal being able to see through nature with the growth curse. If anything, this statement from tech seems to make it more likely that it was elemental since you could be energy

Unless it’s been retconned experimental curses don’t let you transform into an element since they’re not, y’know, elemental curses

Does he know

Explosion → Atomic Magic → Oppenheimer Magic

It just kinda seems like it would be. Considering it doesn’t function like any other elemental curse and doesn’t have a known magic counterpart either.

Assuming that none of the Source Magics will mutate into the Lesser Lost Magics, I think that there’d be about two Lost Magics unique to each type and some that are shared; Water would probably be the only one to mutate into Whirlpool, but it and Light could probably mutate both into Lunar.

Figuring out what LLMs could mutate into is tricky, but fun to think of. What I want to know is how getting Aether Lightning Magic would work, assuming it gets turned into a Lost/Ancient Magic. Would there be some Magics that require combinations of other ones to obtain?

paper as a wood mutation and and ink as a water mutation would be fire


Canonically, you are the one manually changing your magic by yourself. I don’t think our character would do that, especially considering the lore separation that we aren’t actually making a custom magic but instead are choosing a existing one

fog magic: it’s kinda like still water but everytime you hit someone they get an evil jonkler jumpscare with a 1% chance of it being a kfc ad and when it skibidis it starts to rizz the fanum tax

Growth has been stated to be experimental numerous times even though it has always turned the user into plants.

I got a lost magic idea that could work as a mutation for sand, metal, and ash

Don’t got a name yet tho

Lost Magic Idea-
User shoots out thousands of small metal particles

Decent size
Lowish Damage (Bleed as effect)
Above average speed

The attacks would create clouds of metal dust that wouldn’t deal any damage,but would have many synergies
It could be superheated by heat magics, and frozen by cold magics
It could also be hit by lightning, doing high damage to anyone in the clouds (maybe paralyze anyone who is already in when it’s electrified?)
The clouds would do damage if the target has bleed, regardless of if it was synergized or not

After a bit, the clouds would settle into piles of dust, that would also be synergizable

Why have growth curse be experimental? It has the effects of an elemental curse, it looks like an elemental curse, and Growth Magic sounds like it could be really cool.


All curses are just cubes I’m not sure what your point is

‘I’m done baiting’ Clearly I was a fool for believing it

Do enlighten me (with a source so it’s not the StockSounds conjecture you hate so much :moyai:)

You aren’t wrong that it does seem like it could be an experimental curse but without a definite source/statement it could go either way.

The shockwave curse was thought to be an experimental curse back in the day but vetex just recently revealed in the patreon chat that it has a magic counterpart, so it’s probably elemental. Same could happen with the energy curse, where the magic equivalent hasn’t been revealed to the public yet

I did pull up a source from tech where he said you can generate and be energy. The function of the glass curse, an elemental curse, is to create/generate and be glass. Seems pretty similar in function to me :person_shrugging: Course I could be misinterpreting what tech meant by “be energy,” he might not have meant it literally. In which case I’d be wrong about that part

Honestly if I get a concrete source on this beyond word of mouth (WHERE PLEASE TELL ME I CAN’T FIND ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES ANYWHERE AND MY HEAD HURTS FROM SCOURING DISCORD AND THE FORUMS SO MUCH :sob:) I would definitely be more agreeable to the energy curse being experimental

Growth is an experimental curse, I’m pretty sure the source is in this thread

Hold on gimme a bit, I’m pretty sure warren talks about it in game

scatter magic

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Not him directly stating it’s experimental, but it’s pretty clearly not tied to any magic (aka is an experimental)


“My source is that vetex made it the fuck up so he can have a cool tree library”

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