Pour one out for the runners and mosquitos

No no no. This just makes mobility for berserkers near useless and doesn’t take into account that CONJURERS, and WARRIORS are also affected by this.

Rather than that, how about making crashes an teleport moves still usable outside of combat. But limit it to 1 move if it’s not being directed at a player. That way, warlocks, warlords, conjurers, berserkers, and warriors will all still be able to use mobility skills for its mobility while not being able to simply fly for 5 seconds, touch the ground, only to fly again.

this is a really wacky idea. the game doesn’t need this change…imo

no offense, but this takes out the freedom of movement and fun from travel for the people who do use these moves. Makes them clunky, annoying outside of combat and generally useless when before they used to be pretty great moves that made traversal fun.

pvp isn’t the only aspect of this game that makes it enjoyable.

I’d go as far as saying that PvP is the least enjoyable aspect in this entire game.
Shell Island treasure charts are close, but PvP is still worse.

no fck treasure charts, i rather pvp that doing those

30 minutes+ and still cant find them…

you mean Ravenna treasure charts? Shell island charts are easy.

They’re both equally hellish islands.

I suppose.

Idk about this one, I like using mobility skills for general movement outside of pvp as well as in pvp. Would this only apply if your pvp tag is on?

man im just hoping the change doesn’t go through.

at the very least make it an in-combat only thing, or dont implement it like this, find something better

honestly after letting it stew in my brain for a little bit, i cant really be upset about this change

IF all of the builds gain a jump skill, which seems to be implied with some of the future weapon skill names (you cant tell me “flying pheonix” isnt a movement ability)

how dare the rushdown class be forced to rush down opponents!!!

not like weapon users can out damage them, if you don’t have ridiculous aoe, rushdown isn’t viable rn

Flying Phoenix sounds like a large projectile to me, Sword Step is definetly by all means a weapon jump skill though.

I mean, if it applies outside of combat too, then I’d be kinda upset. Not THAT upset, but still irked that I can no longer move a bit more efficiently using weapons. I find quick general movement to be really fun

so i would like to ask one thing:
are you guys you know Balancing the game or trying to change the game?
oh wait

i guess its “Balancing”
what is PVE Balancing who does PVE? oh right:


Well I mean its possible just pretty hard

My thoughts as a bounty hunter. Yeah it benefits us but holy shit NO. I hate this idea what was the balance team thinking. I feel like there are multiple ways to make it better than just all the time. Maybe if somebody has a poster and the hunter is near the target. This change is stupid

I think it’s to stop airstalling, when there’s probably way better ways to stop airstalling

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mfers already listed out 2000% better ideas, the best one was making it require 2 air charges to use mobility away from the opponent

this means someone running away can only use 1 mobility move at a time while the guy chasing him is able to use 2

yet they still chose to put out the worst one

it’s not even running away, imagine I use a fighting style, smash heavily benefits being in the air and fall down on your oponent, but now I can only use Crash to go up if my oponent is also in the air, wich means I can’t use smash (the fall one) on him, and if he is on the ground, I can’t get above him. Just add heavier energy drain or maybe even a softlock height limit (you go up slower and slower) instead of outright making mobility skills useless

you thought up 2 better ideas in the span of 3 minutes as well, though im pre sure they were also thought up as well by the same testers who decided on the change in the balance doc

so it really makes me wonder why they chose the most controversial one